@Boston Celtics

Boston becomes first city to lose a home Game 7 to an 8-seed in both hockey and basketball in the same season.

Boston becomes first city to lose a home Game 7 to an 8-seed in both hockey and basketball in the same season.

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. DiseaseRidden

    If only we were the Bucks and just lost in 5 instead, right?

  2. MotherOnSomeBeatHoe

    And both times to Miami teams lmao fuck this fucking city

  3. LastofaBreed

    Maybe Pats can get Brady back to bring back the winning energy

  4. bssmith126

    Tbh this is the worst part to me. I’ve had a good sports life, seen a lot chips, and right now all I’m trying to do is not feel embarrassed as a fan. Losing to two 8 seeds from Florida at home has me embarrassed.

  5. Mr_Driver_1992

    Who cares? There’s less people in the world who care about sports than those who do. Let other sports fans laugh and taunt. It’s deserving.

    But I can say this…. Across the 4 major sports, and my personal 5th (NASCAR) I have witnessed and enjoyed 14 championships in my 31 years of living. 14 championships.

    14 fucking championships.

    Most fans are lucky to witness more than 1.

    We’re spoiled. Let people have their moment to bring us down. Who cares?

  6. ftlftlftl

    Fun cherry picked stat. No one cares and will ever care lmao

  7. PM_me_startup_jobs

    Florida has Boston’s number this year.

  8. Soapscum4

    Honestly guys I blame myself (I know, it’s stupid). But get this: I am from San Francisco, but my dad is from Boston. My favorite teams are the big 4 in Boston, and my secondary teams (if Boston ain’t playing that day) are those from the Bay Area (Kings over Warriors though, screw the Warriors). When I first got into sports it was the second Pats loss to the Giants, then the following year my secondary NFL team (49ers) lost to Baltimore. This year I got cable and watched all my teams for the first time again: 49ers lose NFCCG, Bruins lose game 7 and Kings lose game 7 on same day, and then the Celtics lose game 7 tonight. The only team that I seem to be good luck for is the Sox, I was born in 04, and got to meet the team as an infant, my mom told them that I was their good luck charm, broke the curse that season. I’ve been bad luck for both my favorite teams and my secondary teams In my first years watching them (or watching again), all except for the Red Sox. So, sorry guys.

  9. Grundlestiltskin_

    And both of those 8 seeds are in the finals now

  10. 6enericUsername

    As a Penguins fan … I don’t really know how to feel about this stat.

  11. dchallenge

    Pointless stat. Remember they also had a better season than 27 other teams.

  12. Capricore58

    Just kick me in the balls why don’t you

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