@Golden State Warriors

[Kenney] Joe Lacob: “I’m not gonna sit here and tell you I understand it because I don’t… It’s not me to do that. I am so competitive. I know he is to. It’s a really hard thing for me to understand why.” But, Lacob adds, he just wants Bob to be happy.

[Kenney] Joe Lacob: “I’m not gonna sit here and tell you I understand it because I don’t… It’s not me to do that. I am so competitive. I know he is to. It’s a really hard thing for me to understand why.” But, Lacob adds, he just wants Bob to be happy.

by NokCha_


  1. ManufacturerJumpy748

    The fact that Lacob doesn’t understand is the reason why he is leaving.

  2. Objective_Celery_509

    Sounds like he pushed Bob pretty hard

  3. Siltysand1

    Because he’s a millionaire and wants to have his life back

  4. Brownies91

    I remember when Bruce Bochy was “retired” just for him to come back and coach the Rangers. I sincerely hope Bob doesn’t do something similar.

  5. happiwarriorgoddess

    So is Bob leaving because of the disaster that is the Poole contract?

  6. eexxiitt

    Joe isn’t used to people saying no to him or not being able to buy someone lol. Must be nice.

  7. Jaded_Past

    I think he left because he is competitive and understands the focus and grind it takes to set up a team for future successful seasons and championship success. He knows more years of this is time away from his family and tending his own physical/mental health. I’m sure he is capable with pursing the constant grind because he has in the past and he is good at it, but it doesn’t mean he should. More important things in life than basketabll

  8. If bob comes back to be a Gm or anything in the league it will be after Steph retires or damn near. He wants to spend time with his family. He’s not taking a simple one to two year break. Sure he’ll do podcast and stuff but those things don’t take you away from home.

  9. wrrgolerphoer

    Most CEOs are like this. Rise and grind culture, super ambitious. That’s why he’s an owner, it’s kind of in their DNA. Not surprised by this take, but it always perplexes me how these types can’t see past it. There is much more at stake (I. E. Your stake) and you also have to be a certain type of person to be in that situation in the first place.

    I don’t think most of us would really take even a 10% stake of a franchise if we really understood the work needed. Most of us look at the $$$ and think it’s a no brainer. Good on Bob for knowing his limits.

  10. Inevitable-Ad-4192

    I really believe Bob doesn’t want to be the guy to tell Klay & Green they are traded or no longer starters.

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