@National Basketball Association

[Wind] Nikola Jokic asked if he’s the best player on the Nuggets: “Sometimes I am and sometimes I’m not. And I’m cool with that.”

[Wind] Nikola Jokic asked if he’s the best player on the Nuggets: “Sometimes I am and sometimes I’m not. And I’m cool with that.”

by greenwhitehell


  1. boogiewoogie1103

    If you’re the best player in the league, I’m pretty sure you’re the best player on the team. I could be wrong though

  2. SliMShady55222

    ESPN: “Jokic having self doubts before heading into NBA Finals”

  3. choonghuh

    They’re really good at answering these bait questions, both the teams

  4. YounggKNG

    Couldn’t see thumbnail that good before enlarging and though “Damn, Jokic should bleach his hair” lol looked like a big ass Eminem in the thumbnail at first 🤣

  5. beachsunflower

    Sometimes Maybe Good, Sometimes Maybe Shit

  6. vixxgod666

    He’s a publicist’s wet dream. Mild personality, never says too much, just funny enough to be amusing without being a clown, humble when given the chance to gloat, no social media presence. Literally the only way he can be viewed in a negative light is by the actions of those around him (his brothers) and himself (infamous Morris shoulder check) or anyone who already hates Serbians.

  7. Madeline_Albright69

    Fine, I’ll be the best player on the Nuggets.

  8. MyCatIsAyJerk

    He really hates these press interviews, you can just see it on his face. I think the only time he actually enjoys answering questions is when it’s from the TNT studio

  9. CheesewayBreezeway

    Wake up babe, new grounded Jokic quote dropped

  10. DeadCellsTop5

    It’s incredibly funny and impressive to me how Jokic and Giannis have mastered the art of speaking to the media despite English being neither of their native languages. Meanwhile, USA born players routinely come off as dumber than a bag of hammers, and constantly put their foot in their mouths when asked even the simplest of questions.

  11. LoudRise858

    Give this man his championship already please

  12. PsychologicalCod3712

    He avoids all these bait questions really well. I want to see him take the bait a few times though. Anyone got any clips of that??

  13. I just love how the media tries to get catchy quotes/headlines from the Joker and he is like “nah, you won’t get shit” dude just wants to ball and doesn’t fall into the circus that the media wants to take him.

  14. I can’t even imagine constantly fielding all of these “gotcha” questions so well in my second language lol

  15. captaincumsock69

    I half expected him to give some joker response like “I’m the worst guy on the team but for some reason they keep making me do everything”

  16. TreeFiddyBandit

    Me when I play COD or PUBG with the squad

  17. jeewantha

    He reminds me so much of Timmy. The synergy he fosters in that team is what Timmy used to do for us. Best of luck for the series big fella!

  18. jeRskier

    Kyrie Irving asked if he’s the head coach of the Nets: “Sometimes I am and sometimes I’m not. And I’m not cool with that.”

  19. OffByOneErrorz

    Jokic to sports writers looking for click bait: You have no power here.

  20. who tf on earth asked this stupid question

  21. Bucketfullabiscuits

    Next interview: “Nikola do you think you are good at basketball?”

  22. GMHinHD

    I am so happy that the Nuggets are the Heat’s opponent. I respect them so much; I’m glad that no matter what happens, real basketball fans will enjoy a high-quality between two teams led by competitive and humble superstars.

  23. TheRealJohnMara

    What the hell kind of a question is that?

    He’s most likely the best player in the league, let alone the Nuggets. Even if he wasn’t I’m sure HE thinks that…

    His answer is sarcastic/jokey because the question was stupid.

  24. Dangerous-Profile-18

    Do people not know how Jamal has been playing? My man has been CLUTCH

  25. Dimaaaa

    I love Jokic man, he’s just so unfazed by everything. Reminds me of Timmy in a lot of ways.

  26. thebballkid

    Sometime maybe good, sometime maybe shit

  27. Gstephenson19

    Well in practice he’s not. In game he is. I think he was referring to that

  28. NatsuAru

    Confirmed best player.

    Dude’s so humble even egos lose to this mfer.

  29. ZeroMomentum

    Sometimes it’s Jamal “we gotta play tmr?” Murray

  30. UnKnOwN769

    Dude is basically the Kimi Räikkönen of the NBA

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