@Philadelphia 76ers

[NBA Central] Markelle Fultz says he wishes he could’ve helped the sixers…

[NBA Central] Markelle Fultz says he wishes he could’ve helped the sixers…

by crisjhilike


  1. bravof1ve

    We didn’t ask for him to start shooting like a 1st grader.

    This whole idea that the Sixers weren’t patient enough with him is so stupid. They could’ve held out on him until 2023 and he still wouldn’t have made a difference because he’s still not even a average starting point guard after all this time, and he still doesn’t really shoot 3s.

    At least they traded him and managed to get a better player in Maxey.

  2. Jole_embeeb

    bruh how much patience does he think he deserved???

  3. MrThreebound

    He’s going into his 7th season and just shot 31% from 3 on 1.5 attempts per game last year.

    Wouldn’t be useful here other than as a backup.

  4. TIandCAS

    So do most Sixers fans, we could’ve won multiple finals by now but our 2 generational #1 picks ended up getting fucked up in a motorcycle accident, and being the most lazy mother fucker on the planet

  5. BussyDelendaEst

    I wish too. I was ready for him to be my favorite player 😔

  6. iam_soyboy

    I remember when he literally quit on the team after losing his starting position when Jimmy arrived.

  7. WorkofShart

    Don’t put that evil on yourself Kelle

  8. Particular-Nose-7046

    Anyone else have a theory that the motorcycle crashed actually happened *before* the draft and not after?

    I remember after the trade but pre-draft there were articles about how Fultz’s shooting was terrible in his Celtics workouts and that they didn’t like how his form was different than what it was on tape. There was also that open workout where Fultz went like 1/25 from three on a shooting drill—again, pre-draft.

    My theory is Fultz fucked his shoulder sometime shortly after his college season. The Celtics realized what was up and smartly bailed on him. Colangelo, being a dumb fuck, traded up for him anyway. Then they realized about 2 games into Summer League the enormous fuck up they made and tried to push that it was a recent injury so they didn’t look they just didn’t make the most disastrous trade in the history of the franchise.

    Obviously there was all the nonsense with his trainer. But what reason would there be for the consensus #1 to drastically change his shooting form right before the draft if not for a major shoulder injury?

  9. LordLucasSixers

    Will always love Markelle Fultz.

  10. Khal-Stevo

    Whole situation was just a bummer. Without being able to shoot, the best case scenario for Fultz on those teams was Ben’s backup. You absolutely cannot have two non-shooting ball handlers on the floor together. Even if we never traded him, he would not have gotten the opportunity to develop. We didn’t have the time for it.

    What sucked was that, to me, he clearly was a promising player even when he was here. He brought a lot of useful stuff to the court. But without any jump shot, he was a bad fit with Embiid and was literally unplayable with Simmons. Embiid and Simmons only mildly worked because both guys were really good. We wouldn’t have had six years to wait for Fultz to get to the level he’s at now


    Bro, you developed a hitch in your shot and became small Ben Simmons. What the fuck lol

  12. nugcityharambe

    Melton is better than him. He’s maybe a little better than shake?

  13. JiveTurkey92

    id like a reunion someday. feel like he’s finally getting settled in, just needs to stay healthy. wish him the best and i still have his jersey

  14. Lar67676767

    He was never any good and the league told Colangelo to draft him.

  15. vin1223

    Same I wish he could’ve remembered how to shoot a basketball

  16. Five2one521

    The Sixers wish he wouldn’t have sucked.

  17. Spooky5588

    I mean you’re like an average point guard at best and you were shooting like you never played before and we still gave you the benefit of the doubt for a while. Tired of us getting slandered over this BS, like the “classic Philly making someone leave.”


    I’ll Always root for Markelle but this is revisionist AF.

    THE WHOLE CITY waited on him for almost 2 years.

    Markelle got injured in a motorcycle accident by his own volition.

    And when he came back? Standing ovation, people ENCOURAGING HIM like a make a wish kid.

    But at least he tried, unlike 25.



  19. KryptonicxJesus

    Me too Markelle, me too. Still remember stepping out of Wild Wild West to chain smoke cigs and watch highlights after the trade news dropped

  20. No one in Philly hates Markelle. Personally most seem to be happy he’s doing so well in Orlando, I know I am

  21. averagebensimmons

    I’m sure the Magic could use some extra W’s Markelle.

  22. jayicon97

    I’ve never wanted another player to succeed as bad as I wanted Fultz to.

    My biggest gripe with the whole situation is how the media and his camp marketed his woes as a mental issue more so than a physical. The dirtbike injury was a “hoax” at one point. He was supposedly completely healthy. Then all the weird shit that came out about him working with different shooting coaches and shooting free throws from the prone position? What the fuck? In reality, the guy was playing in pain just from lifting his hands over his head.

    I’ll never forget….. he had just “fixed his shot” and was trying a new free throw stance. I can’t remember if this was before or after the wiggle up and shoot. Dude literally goes to release the ball, it sticks and doesn’t come out his hands, then re-releases it.

    I knew it was the end.

  23. ApoliticalAth3ist

    Didn’t this podcast come out over a month ago?

  24. ShapeBasic

    If only he wanted to help and took it seriously when we gave him chance after chance to perform in Philly… AND I believe he actually asked for the trade.

  25. icepickjones

    I like Fultz but this “why did they give up on me?” stuff is kinda bullshit.

    First, the town loved the kid. Everyone rallied around him. No one was shitting on him at all while we waited on him to heal.

    Second, the team didn’t deal him willy nilly. He wanted to be traded. This revisionist history is kinda wild.

    He’s a victim of bad circumstances. I wish he hadn’t gotten hurt, I wish it hadn’t taken him so long to recover. It sucks he had the issues with the injury that he did. I’m really glad he’s playing well now.

    But he’s passive aggressively turning this into “they didn’t believe in me” kinda shit and it’s like come on bro.

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