@Denver Nuggets

Is it Good for the League if Nikola Jokic is Best in the NBA? | THE ODD COUPLE

THE ODD COUPLE – Chris Broussard & Rob Parker react Michael Malone’s latest comments comparing Denver Nuggets superstar Nikola Jokic to NBA Hall of Famer Tim Duncan.

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  1. He would celebrated more but I disagree with Tim Duncan being in the GOAT conversation if he had a personality more like KG. Even if Ray Allen's shot misses and Duncan goes 6-0 in the Finals, it took 16 years to win those. Jordan's 6 were in an 8 year span and his 1st retirement left a big what if on the board. Just not in the same ballpark.

  2. It is good. It hugely opens up the international scene. Giannis, Luka, Jokic, Embiid, etc. Truly the global era of the NBA. I remember when Yao Ming singlehandedly boosted the NBA when it comes to global ratings.

  3. I find these discussions so disappointing. The guys haven’t covered him properly. They have egg on their face bc casual fans can’t believe that these ”experts” have ignored him. Jokic is super fun to watch.
    The NBA media would have bigged up TD like Kobe if he had been in a major market. Is Jeter an electric personality?

  4. if kg had team and coach like td he wold be now best pf ever😀

  5. Yeah it’s good, it’ll make the NBA media stop with the star focus and actually promote the game and all teams.

  6. Tim Duncan had plenty of talent around him let’s get that out of the way. Those spurs teams were stacked af. Don’t try to downplay his surrounding cast

  7. It’s been a new best players in the world every year since 2020 can we let them prove it first and stop trying to force it on someone for winning one chip

  8. If there's ever a great Chinese born guard or a white American born guard, the league will explode in popularity even more than it has. There's pent-up demand for it and people want to see themselves do well in sports

  9. Duncan was one of the most overrated players in history. Joki is better in every way. No comparison

  10. Lebron did not lead the league in scoring and win rings. Jordan did. Jordan’s team was average as hell. He was that great

  11. Denver may very well win. However Teams will figure out how to guard Denver. Just don't see them dominating for a long period of time

  12. Jokic is a mix of Bird and Nowitzki. He really does everything well and while he's not remotely athletic he's agile and knows how to get his body to do what it needs to do. Dude is the best player in the league.

  13. Yeah, but I think it exposes the lack of skill from American-born players entering the league. I mean the difference is literally night & day for MOST of the top INTL players vs top American players.

    I feel like the US development system was deliberately stunted as to give INTL players time to catch up, but now they've leap frogged US development system. INTL players learn how to play professionally as teens while Americans don't learn until they're in the NBA.

  14. Yes, it's great for the league and America, so we can laugh at dumb ass Kendrick Perkins for his retarded take on Nikola earning MVP based on nonexistent racism in voting. I hope he is the best for years to come. Big Dummy needs to be part of that massive ESPN layoff.

  15. White people spend money on anything that puts them in a good light. Joker being the face will be financially beneficial for the league in America. Boxing is desperate for the new white hype.. if there was one, boxing would be the highest sport in America. 😂😂 I hope joker keep up his play.. because soon as there is an darker face coming along, that fandom would go away.

  16. I love it, he’s one of the most fundamental players in the game alongside the way his denver plays collectively. Not just Iso’s, 3s & drives like almost every team in the league. This is good for the kids to learn, not that toxic James harden playstyle that only works in the season

  17. What a weird question. The "best player" in the league is completely subjective and people have a different Number 1 in their books. Who cares if Jokic is the best? As long as there are exciting or marketable players near the top, the league will be fine.

  18. What kills me about Duncan he had truly only 8 all-time great years, the rest of his career he was just really good.

  19. Chris just say you can’t stand foreigners and their play. They’re more skilled and our jaded woke soft American players can’t hang for now at least…work ethic in America sucks. Hard for these “men” to be hungry when everything is guaranteed including their excuses

  20. These two are examples of black media members that literally read everything through a racial lens. Not everything is about race. I appreciate the discussion about international players but that discussion is 15 years too late because black Americans regard the NBA as 'our own' and aren't willing to open their minds to historically great players that didn't do it on black American inner city playgrounds.

  21. The problem is that everyone is trying to come up with a comp for Jokic but there isn't one. Duncan was nothing like Jokic. Sometimes players come around that are so unique there is no comp. At best you have to combine some of the skills of a bunch of great players to get an approximation. The greatest players have no comps.

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