@National Basketball Association

[Windhorst] The indication here is this is going to be a significant suspension for Ja Morant. The tone and the tenor and the fact that the NBPA is involved does not indicate this is going to be similar to something we’ve seen before.

> I’ve never heard anything like it, it was very unusual for him to basically say ‘I know what I’m going to do but I’m not going to announce it now.’ The second part is that he’s working alongside the players’ association on this. He’s obviously bringing them along side by side. Trust me, typically the players’ association isn’t there as the discipline is being decided on and dolled out.

> So this is a situation that is wide-ranging and quite frankly, the indication here is this is going to be a significant suspension. The tone and the tenor and the fact that the players’ association is involved does not indicate this is going to be similar to something we’ve seen before. And I also think Adam Silver expects a lot of reaction to what he does. He doesn’t want to be a storyline during the Finals. So take all of that under advisement when you consider what’s on the way for Ja Morant.


by iksnet


  1. DuffmanStillRocks

    Ja Morant took being told to work on his shooting literally

  2. fella05

    This makes it sound like it’s going to be a full season suspension, or at the very least like 50 games.

    I don’t think there would be this kind of talk around it if it was only like 20 games or something (and 20 games is still a lot).

  3. New_Inevitable9727

    adam silver’s tenure as commisioner will be judged by this moment.

    The Sterling stuff was an easy layup.

    This is where he will earn his balls

  4. eutectic_h8r

    Adam Silver is going to duel him Hamilton style

  5. Syndana23

    I wonder what they discovered

    Did he pull a gun on that person involved with the pacers?
    The original report was that it was a laser.

    Guess we shall find out.

  6. walterdog12

    > The tone and the tenor and the fact that the players’ association is involved does not indicate this is going to be similar to something we’ve seen before.

    Maybe it’s just cause there’s not many players still around from when it happened, but there’s no fucking way they’re implying that this is somehow longer than the Arenas/Crittenton gun suspension, right?


    Ja Morant Crew to Ja right now
    >>Let’s laser tag Adam Silver a$$

  8. langolier27

    He’s getting kicked out of the league.

  9. BootStrapWill

    It’s pretty clear what the punishment is going to be. It’s obvious that the NBA is going to shoot Ja with his own pistol to teach him a lesson about how dangerous guns are.

  10. Le_Atheist_Fedora

    Silver is soft. They’re gonna hype it up just for it to be 30 games or something.

  11. thegodfaubel

    Bold prediction is that he’s suspended indefinitely with a minimum of one year out of the league before he has to apply for reinstatement. Obvious stipulations needing to be met before he’s allowed back in. Basically, similar to the gambling suspensions the NFL has handed out for gambling

  12. Its gonna be a suspension thats cnn news worthy

    Maybe 70 games.

  13. Ranjith_Unchained

    Adam Silver forces him to play for the Wizards

  14. I expect 20-40 games. Basically the reason for this is because he repeated the same mistake 2 months later after saying he was trying to change and apologizing.

  15. wowsuchemptyman

    It better be significant after the absolute joke the first time around

  16. bustywivesmatter

    They’re gonna send him to a scarred straight boot camp with the sergeants yelling at his face

  17. certainPOV

    Suspend him for the year and put the grizzlies in the east

  18. keeper420

    What is the likelihood they void his supermax contract?

  19. Silver after finals…it has been revealed it was all AI

  20. spacefish420

    Full season suspension which will lead to grizzlies at the bottom of the league record wise. They will get the #1 pick and trade it away for another superstar to pair with Ja and then win a chip in 2025.

  21. bigbaldheadNR

    It’s gonna be 82 games and playoffs. As long as he has no issues during that time he will be reinstated.

  22. Produceher

    When is the Adam Silver/Ja Morant Suspension Announcement Show going to air?

  23. TinTinsKnickerbocker

    That sucks. Hell of a player.

  24. toremysackola

    If he really did point a gun at the Pacers staff he should be banned from the league for life.

  25. Hawkingshouseofdance

    Indefinite suspension incoming. Or 42 games

  26. mercfan3

    Could the players association be because of the Pacers situation?

    The union works for the players, and obviously that means that they want to be involved when players are being punished – but player safety also is a union issue.

  27. NotoriousSIG_

    Is there a commissioners exempt list in the NBA? Personally that’s what I’d put him on if there was one. Just a suspension isn’t going to change his behavior

  28. Jawkurt

    Additional information could be anything. It could be that it was a toy gun in the video but that he’s also into illegal ferret breeding or something

  29. Brent_L

    Nike trying to cash in before his suspension in 2 weeks.

  30. Daguyondacouch8

    If Ja was found to have pointed a gun at the Pacers, he is going to be out of the league

  31. PlanktonSemantics

    Their going to start giving him carrying calls in game now.

  32. Maliluma

    I kind of hope that Silver announces it during Mike Malone’s speech if they win the championship, and he gets asked tons of questions about it so we can hear him bitch and moan again about how nobody is talking about the Nuggets.

  33. xprime32

    the players association being involved is very interesting. obviously the nbpa wants to look out for their own, but that also feels like silver is allowing them to sign off on something substantial. i’m still betting it’s going to be closer to half a season than a full, but I would no longer be shocked to see him sit out the year

  34. newperson77777777

    Kind of saw this coming after the Twitter incident: he was prolly feeling suicidal even tho he didn’t say anything. Prolly heard it’s going to be bad.

  35. MCMporsche911

    I feel like they got evidence of him pointing a gun at people and this is gonna be full year without pay

  36. Marcusx8

    I could see Ja being suspended indefinitely with no timetable to return and the next season Ja would have to show he changed to be reinstated.

    I don’t think this is a simple x amount of games.

  37. Agreed_fact

    Shannon gets bought out at the same time the league decides on Ja’s sentencing. Coincidence? I think not. He’s being sent to the Sharpe school of hard knocks for a year. He’s coming back Zion sized talking about henny and working out at 3am.

  38. sami2201

    Would he be able to play in europe while he is suspended? That would be pretty cool if he just shows up in the euroleague cooking, like some players after the lockout 2011.

  39. MotherLoveBone27

    Damn… sounds like they’re gonna suspend him for 3 games.

  40. aq-r-steppedinsome

    i mean, he did the stupid shit a second time. i don’t even know what the rules are on this in the nba, but you probably don’t wanna break em twice, like immediately.

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