@Boston Celtics

We Laugh At the Boston Celtics: We Kept Receipts

On The Hangover Time Post game show we clowned everyone who doubted the Miami Heat and picked the Boston Celtics. BrassJazz our producer made a montage making fun of them. Enjoy!


  1. F$&% every last one of those guys, too bad they never admit they were wrong and stupid afterwards.

  2. Those so called expert analytics are no experts at all, they just talk a lot because they get paid for that. They should analyze themselves and come to the conclusion they do not know much at all!

  3. How do all these people have jobs talking about basketball, when they are casuals who do not even watch basketball? I am serious here. Had none of them heard of Spoelstra or Jimmy Freakin' Butler?

  4. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂…

  5. Haha this was a fun one. Thanks for that. It was wild to see how quickly people fell into the trap of underestimating the Heat AGAIN.

  6. Espn analytics apparently hired the same statisticians that gave Hilary Clinton a 91% chance to win back in 2016. 😂 3% chance? Cmon now.

  7. The entire haters of nba establishment and media said the heat was an underdog last year when the heat was #1 seed…. The hating on the heat is always overwhelming, but that's ok cuz the heat feed off their hate!! 🔥

  8. At this point, you gotta wonder why people would still pay attention to ESPN or TNT or other mainstream sports networks! They prove time and time again that they aren't qualified to give their opinion about sports. It's all just over-sensationalized hot-take bull$hit!

    Barkley has really gone downhill quickly. He used to be someone whose brain worked. Not sure what happened.

  9. To be fair Celtics are the “more talented” team, but they are not the better team obviously. Miami played great but the biggest difference was coaching. Coach mozzarella is an absolute joke. Not willing to adjust the game plan out of pure ego and stubbornness is idiotic. Even after they got blown out in game 7 at home he thought live and die by the 3 was a good game plan. He needs to be fired. I don’t care if it’s his first season he’s awful and so is his attitude.

  10. One of the most awesome videos I’ve seen – next only to last year’s win of GSW as Curry’s “shut up the narratives” year.

  11. How is this not super viral!! Great job!! But the low numbers on this masterpiece might show how small heat fandom is. Heat in 8!

  12. For some reason people forget abiut the bubble except that the Lakers won. We would've won that in 7 if Dragic didn't have a foot Injury and if Bam didn't mess up the shoulder. Team was still competitive.

  13. Kenny and Chuck are known for always switching sides every day. something I really hate seeing. makes me appreciate Shaq so much more for always checking them

  14. You are delusional if you think the heat are better. Yes they won, but the Celtics are far more talented and we all know that. With how bad the Celtics played, Miami didn’t win the series, the Celtics LET them win the series.

  15. Experts that make millions? I may have mistook what this show is. An analysis? What is their accuracy percentage stat? I bet it's lower than yours.

  16. Adding Celtics fans on this doesnt make sense, what would you expect a fan to do? Bet against his own team??😂😂 as if Heat fans would do that

  17. Best thing is 90 percent of these people will not admit they’re wrong and even will backtrack now that Boston lost

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