@Philadelphia 76ers

Take me back plz. FEDS

Take me back plz. FEDS

by lil_extro_vert_


  1. DylanToback8

    I canā€™t wait for the English-dubbed version of this to drop.

  2. SenatorBimmons10

    At the time, that was a hell of a core right there.

    We all have the benefit of hindsight, but I was ecstatic when we drafted Ben and Fultz.

    Ben was touted as a Magic Johnson/Lebron hybrid coming out of college. I watched him since his ballislife mixtape days and he was incredible to watch. Fultz was a surefire stud and likened to a more athletic Dame. Still remember how good both of them looked in their first summer league runs. Ben was hitting middies and dropping flashy dimes, while Fultz had a 7 3-pointer game and looked NBA ready at 19.

    No one could have foresaw just how far they would drop off (and if you say otherwise, stop lying).

    We made the moves that any other team would have at the time with the incredible amount of assets Hinkie stockpiled, just didn’t work out.

  3. Scottsm124

    Worst nickname of all timeā€¦that team was going nowhere

  4. jloops03

    I legitimately think it all would have worked out if that dumbass nickname never got invented lol

  5. iforgottolaughlol

    Damn roco the second best player in this picture…

    Still rooting for markelle tho

  6. JustAHighFlyingBird

    Some people were calling them FEDS.cov, like a government website, because they loved RoCo so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

  7. JojoSixers

    I remember back then there were some major red flags around Benā€™s college performance. The talk was centered around why was his team so bad if heā€™s the next Lebron. I remember being 100% certain that Ben was just bored in college. I completely believed that he was just so physically gifted and his skill level was so advanced that he was bored by the lack of competition and kind of annoyed that he couldnā€™t just go straight to the nba.

    Then when he won ROY and he put up such amazing numbers while playing stellar defense I thought I had called the situation perfectly. As we all know now, Ben peaked not long after his rookie year and has become a negative asset. My friends still give me shit for me believing in him. Iā€™ll admit when I was wrong, thereā€™s a reason Iā€™m not a gm.

    The only good thing that Ben really gave us was optimism for the future. We had so much mediocrity following that 01 run and then the process tanking was just brutal. There was that magical window where Embiid and Ben looked like they were going to be Kobe and Shaq like. What a waste of talent.

  8. JojoSixers

    While Fultz didnā€™t work out for us it was still a genius long term move that got us in a situation to draft him. Hinkie traded essentially nothing to the Kings for the right to swap picks a few years before that draft. That moved us up from I believe 5 to pick 3. It may not sound like much but moving up from 5 to 3 for free is normally pretty big. At 3 youā€™re in a good position to get the top talent in the draft if the other teams fuck up, a good example is Luka and Tatum.

    It didnā€™t work out for us but it was still a great trade Hinkie made. Who knows what happens if we didnā€™t let that fool hire his own son to run our team. God Iā€™m angry.

  9. imdumbfrman

    This mightā€™ve been the last time being a Sixers fan was ā€œfunā€. There have for sure been fun moments, but as an experience, man it was fun to see them improve year over year leading up to this. Stagnation makes things so much less fun, even if the success level is technically higher.

  10. Worldly-Fortune-802

    I would take any of these guys back except Simmons.
    PG TJ/Fultz/Ish
    SG Maxey/Shake/Springer
    SF Bridges/Cov
    PF Grant/ Dario
    C Embiid/Wood/Noel


    Feels so long ago and yet at the same time like yesterday. Probably the last time I could legitimately convince myself that I was enjoying being a fan of this team.

  12. Raecino


  13. Birdgang14

    Feds was the worst nickname ever. Thank god that didnā€™t stick.

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