I created version 2.0 of my AI Basketball Referee. I trained a custom machine-learning model with over 3000 images. The system can accurately detect travels and double dribbles. I would love any feedback to make this even better! Here is the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZgXUBi_wkM&pp=ygUVYWkgYmFza2V0YmFsbCByZWZlcmVl
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I created version 2.0 of my AI Basketball Referee. I trained a custom machine-learning model with over 3000 images. The system can accurately detect travels and double dribbles. I would love any feedback to make this even better! Here is the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZgXUBi_wkM&pp=ygUVYWkgYmFza2V0YmFsbCByZWZlcmVl