@National Basketball Association

ESPN has stolen a redditors post as NBA news

The ESPN story

The key to the Eastern Conference Matchups this year…. Taylor Swift
by u/Mattmo831 in nba

@Mattmo831 reddit post.

I certainly hope you were asked permission to use your idea bro/sis. Also idk how to tag someone on Reddit so I dunno if that worked.

by Btotherianx


  1. referee-superfan

    It’s u/mattmo831 . That’s how you tag a user on Reddit.

  2. ikigaii

    Damn, usually they’re smart enough to say “the talk on Twitter is…” or something to obfuscate the sourc but they didn’t even bother to here.

  3. Nickthedick55

    They poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, delivered plague unto our houses, and are stealing our reddit posts.

  4. DynamixRo

    Hey, ESPN, you have my permission to steal >!deez nuts!<.

  5. Infinite-Station-524

    Do y’all think Joe DeMartino searches for himself on Reddit?

  6. BiggieSmallz12345

    I’m pretty sure the OP had people predicting ESPN would steal this. I’m surprised it took them this long. Fuck ESPN

  7. Alternative_Leg9446

    What kind of a loser man steals someone else’s work and proudly shows it off as their own?

    Oh I know, Joe Demartino

    Fuck you joe

  8. TheRealTendonitis

    Not related specifically to this, but I’ll see a popular r/AskReddit post one day and then hear a DJ on a local radio station (Y108 in Hamilton Ontario) ask the same question to the audience the next day.

  9. JimiFrusciante96

    Fuck ESPN and fuck the big mouse

  10. Go figure their nba broadcast is shit so their nba journalism is on par with it.

  11. dont_shoot_jr

    Now I want to see ESPN talk about Steve Blake at the grocery

  12. biinroii01

    not the first time wont be the last lol

  13. kobedetian

    The thing is… It’s ok to borrow content. When Pat McAfee couldn’t use NFL logos last year he borrowed content from u/corndoggylol for his show. It was awesome exposure for him and everyone loved the segment on Pat’s show.

    Just give people their credit and there will be a post in here about how reddit got on ESPN which will only make everyone involved look good.

  14. Yodudewhatsupmanbruh

    For a site that has stolen so much content/memes from others over the years this sub sure does get up in arms when someone does the same to them lol.

    “Sue them”, over what lmao? Stealing an idea posted on the internet? This site would’ve gone bankrupt years ago.

  15. barrymkcocinher

    Why are we just calling out ESPN? Call out the shit writer who’s a thief

  16. Plot twist: they both got it from ChatGPT.

  17. ignatious__reilly

    Joe DeMartino, if you are reading this which I assume you are………

    You’re pretty fucking lame to steal peoples shit as your own. You gave OP no credit. That’s fucking pathetic.

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