@Boston Celtics

Thoughts on either of these guys as vets?

DeAndre is a UFA after this season and Thad Young might be hard to get but I think either one would be a great vet for our squad.

DeAndre slipped in the draft just like Rob and both went to Texas A&M. They both have a similar play style too. DeAndre seems like a vet that talks to players constantly and has proven in the league. I think he would be a great mentor for Rob. Also a fun personality.

Thad Young has been in the league for a minute and barely ever puts up crazy numbers. That just shows you how much of a professional he is and work ethic. He has a $8M contract so he’s not that easy to get. Plus probably not worth it.

I love Blake but I think he’s just a likeable and outgoing guy.

by Georgia4life

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