@Philadelphia 76ers

[LegionHoops] Shams on Russillo: Harden torn about Philly/Houston decision.

[LegionHoops] Shams on Russillo: Harden torn about Philly/Houston decision.

by HoagieTwoFace


  1. BussyDelendaEst

    He’s staying. He doesn’t want to go to Houston.

  2. Some_Question_5209

    Bring him back on a 2-3 year deal, if he walks theres no better option

  3. ShaunyDukes

    He’s gonna get a NTC on top of the max 😳

  4. International-Dish95

    Like nurse said in his presser – the selling feature is winning. If he goes to Houston that core is likely a couple years away from maturing into an actual playoff caliber team. It’s all a leverage play.

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