@Houston Rockets

Now accepting apologies rockets fam 💅

Been saying for months now that since we don’t have our pick next year (OKC top 4 protected) that we are in a position to get free agents and compete. Mfs swore I was retarded. TWICE. & let me be clear “competing” just means not tanking and winning as much as possible(with intentions of play in). I know we aren’t going to win a championship and I guess I could have said that better in previous posts but damn it feels good to be right. I now request the name of Nostradamus De Houston. Thank you and have a good day.

by ZealousidealPea4139


  1. bnasdfjlkwe


    The vast majority of us know that we will be trying to compete next year and the *obvious* solution is to use our 60 million in cap space to sign free agents and compete. The main thing fans disagree on is how to get there and if its possible to do that in an efficient manner to setup for long term success. i haven’t seen anyone say we should blatantly tank next year

  2. lambopanda

    Talk is one thing. Do is another thing. Unless I see the young core actually play to win. I still won’t trust what they are saying.

  3. AdmirableRise3758

    Idk if i can trust somebody that proposed giving kpj kj and two firsts for siakam tbh…

  4. Markezzy

    You took a screenshot of a post on this subreddit and posted it to this subreddit?

  5. ZeroMaverickHOU

    Yo. Chill on the R-word, brother.

  6. -GenghisJuan-

    You stated the obvious 👏 good job.

  7. Rologames

    Huh? Everyone knew last year was the last year of tanking lmao

  8. sengunner

    Some of you guys on here got some shit to work through, making posts like this because someone was rude to you one time

  9. Kaaalesaaalad

    It was clear that we’re going to compete because we dont 100% own our next couple of picks. The problem is people like you wanted to make shortsighted trades instead of just signing on the FA market.

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