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The Monty Show 962! One Team Is OUT On BIG 12 Expansion!

Monty & Jake are talking BIG 12 Expansion! Gonzaga has a verbal offer from the BIG 12 to join the conference, but how much will the BIG 12 pay Gonzaga to join the league? There is one BIG 12 Expansion candidate who appears to be out of the running for a spot in the BIG 12.

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LIV Golf and the PGA Tour announced a merger today, and it appears to be a BIG win for LIV Golf, and the players who bolted the PGA Tour for LIVE Golf two years ago. Can the PGA Tour survive in the merger that gives the leadership of LIV Golf a large influence over the global game of golf?

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The Utah Jazz have been working for months to build a TV deal that serves Utah Jazz fans on free TV and stream, Monty has the details of what could be a new TV deal and the players in the TV industry competing for the Utah Jazz rights.

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Taylor Swift, who is again single, was seen with a certain NBA Star in a bar over the weekend. Is Taylor Swift becoming a serial dater, one who just bounces around, or is Taylor Swift just looking for love in all the wrong bars?


  1. PGAā€™s hypocrisy is astounding. Companies get bought & sold. The Saudiā€™s arenā€™t the biggest problem. The hypocrisy of them when money came calling is the biggest problem.

  2. All of the sell-outs suck. PGA and the Saudi's, NBA and China, Movie Industry and China, American Business and China, etc.

  3. Outside of Kansas, none of the other B12 schools have much real history. Houston is few years away from retirement and back to the dregs. Baylor and TCU have no history and also not a basketball powerhouse. I think they need another big brand in BBall

  4. How do you really feel about this pga deal. Iā€™m not clear

  5. Google Search:
    USA Today 9/11 families group slams PGA Tour over LIV Golf merger Paid Saudi shills

  6. The PGA selling out to the Saudis shows exactly why nothing was done to them after 9-11 and why the US Gov't helped cover it up. The military industrial complex used 9-11 to invade other Middle Eastern countries so the ruling class oligarchs could steal their resources (oil) and they threw the US Military under the bus to do it. I was there.

  7. PGA is today a For Profit Org. = public traded company one day. Guess who is only entity that can add add't funds to pot? Not PGA, Not European Tour. It's Saudi Group.

  8. I don't understand.
    Gonzaga sports without football is worth $20M/year
    UConn sports without football is worth nothing and scary?
    If UConn completely dumped football, or stayed independent with no tie to the XII, why are they still worth nothing compared to Gonzaga?

  9. As Monty flips out on Saudi Blood Money, the vehicle he drove to/from work today was powered by Saudi Arabia oil, that the US Gov't purchased in exhange for protecting them in the 1970's

  10. San Diego State has the best combined win percentage IN THE COUNTRY for basketball and football for the last 13 years. We've been to 2 sweet 16s and a championship game in basketball. Feel free to name a BIG 12 team outside of Kansas and Baylor that has done that AND also won year after year in football in the same timeframe (not 40 years ago). . . I'll wait . . .

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