@Cleveland Cavaliers

NBA Champs: Cavs Celebration, LBJ Postgame and Trophy Presentation

Check out full postgame coverage of the Cavaliers winning the NBA championship including LeBron James postgame interview, on court celebration and trophy presentation!

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  1. 2022 im still watching this still the best finals ive evaaaaa watched the speech of king james is just sooooooo spiritual 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  2. Ngl i miss that cavs team especially when they lose one game next game they come back throwing lobs and shit

  3. Meanwhile during the final moments of Game 7 of the NBA 2016 Finals…
    Mike Breen: 6.5 seconds remain on the clock here in the fourth quarter as the Cleveland Cavaliers lead 138-89, thanks to their feminine friend, Temporary Cleveland Cavalier #27, Queen Madame Ninja Barrett. Not much is known about this sports star from the wrestling circuit other than her ability to predict the movements and read the patterns of her opponents.
    Queen Madame Ninja Barrett: (with the basketball in her possession.) Okay. You can do this, Ninja. Time to send the Cleveland Curse running for the hills. I have to be mindful, though. There's only 6 seconds left, after all. (readying her special shot as she channels her heart and soul into the ball.) All of Cleveland's pain, heartache, sorrow, agony, strife, anguish, heartbreak, torment, all 52 years of it, it officially dies tonight! Let my purification and revitalization reign over Cleveland. unleashes a Super Saiyan scream (goes Super Saiyan, much to the surprise of both teams.) Alright. Let's see if you can handle this. I'll be the one to reverse this. Me. Me! I'm going to defeat you. Time to shift the dynamic of Cleveland, provide a miracle for the first time since '64, return the city to it's former glory, change it's fate, quench this drought, erase the 52 years bad luck and rewrite history. I'm calling this one the Curse Breaker's Drought Quenching Kiss of Death.
    Mo Williams: (watches as she prepares to throw her special shot.) Oh my word. Oh, she's a god if she makes this.
    Ninja: (throws her special shot from the half court and watches as it goes in.) Okay. Hopefully, that should do it.
    Mike: It's now 141-89. I don't know what happened, but the Cavaliers have now soared into a staggering lead.
    buzzer sounds
    Mike: It's over. It's over. Cleveland's a city of champions once again. The Cavaliers are NBA Champions. Cleveland's long sports nightmare has ended. The drought is over. 52 years, time to celebrate a title.
    Ninja: (as she transforms back to normal, gracefully drops the basketball onto the court and dusts off her hands.) blows the smoke from her hands Well, I'm sure this'll make for an interesting MVP conversation. chuckles to herself (sees her fellow Cleveland Cavaliers approaching her.) Oh. I take it this means the Cleveland Curse is broken?
    Kevin Love: I guess so.
    Sasha Kaun: Well, you certainly gave the Warriors a show they'll never forget.
    Kyrie Irving: Judging by your performance, I won't put it past you if you somehow manage to beat LeBron James for Finals MVP.
    Ninja: No, I've got a feeling that he'll still get that accolade in the end. You figure, there was a letter that he wrote to his fans 2 years ago that made it clear that he was coming home to bring Cleveland a championship. So, based on that, he's still got a slight edge against me, but we'll see what my dear friend, NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver has to say.
    J.R. Smith: Oh, that's true.
    Tristan Thompson: Wait. So, how many points did you end up getting us?
    Ninja: (points at the final scoreboard.) Look at the final score and be thankful you guys have me on a temporary Cavaliership.
    All: (look at the final score.) Whoa.
    Kevin: Okay. I did the math and looks like she extended our lead by 52 points.
    Ninja: Yep. Hey, wait a minute. Where's LeBron?
    Kevin: (points to him on his knees.) Oh, he's over there letting his emotions let loose knowing that he finally fulfilled his promise to the city that drafted him all those years ago.
    Ninja: I see.
    Mike: And the emotions for LeBron James who delivers on his promise to come home and bring a championship to his beloved hometown and of course the disappointment, the stunning disappointment on the other end. James Jones, his long time teammate, who’s been with him through all 6 consecutive finals and an emotional Tyronn Lue.
    LeBron James: Oh my god.
    James Jones: (approaches and embraces her.) You did it, kid. You did it. You helped us break the Cleveland Curse.
    Ninja: I'm kind of aware of this. Now, can you please let me approach your teammate so I can comfort him?
    James: Oh, certainly.
    Ninja: Thank you. (approaches, takes him in her arms, holds and comforts him.)
    LeBron: Kid, you absolutely killed it.
    Ninja: Thank you, Monsieur James. Well, I've got a feeling that my Lone Wolf boyfriend and SmackDown tag partner will probably be here soon. I probably should let Commissioner Silver know to be expecting him. (texts her dear friend, the NBA Commissioner to let him know to expect the Lone Wolf.) There we go. The message has been sent. I think I'm gonna stick around for the trophy presentation and then just go.
    Iman Shumpert: Alright.
    Richard Jefferson: Okay.
    Channing Frye: Well, kid. That was certainly an impressive showing.
    Matthew Dellavedova: So, what exactly brought you to Cleveland?
    Ninja: Fate and a desire to learn more about the Cleveland Curse as I've recently grown interested in learning about sports related curse phenomenons in certain cities and certain states.
    Meanwhile at the front entrance of the Oracle Arena…
    AJ Hawk: (in the car to the Lone Wolf.) Alright, man. I think this is where you get off.
    Baron Corbin: (exits the car.) Keep the car running.
    AJ: Got it.
    Baron: (enters the arena, clearly ready to begin his hunt for his Lone Wolfess.) Alright. I'm here, my Lone Wolfess. Where are you? (notices another man approaching him.) Oh, looks like this man's a friend of my Lone Wolfess.
    Adam Silver: Welcome. I am NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver. I take it you must be Ninja's lover?
    Baron: Yes, (as he shakes the NBA Commissioner's hand.) Baron Corbin.
    Adam: Oh, yes. Ninja told me to be expecting you. You're actually just in time for the trophy presentation. Follow me right this way. I'll take you to her. (leads him to the podium as it's being set up on the court for the trophy presentation to find his dear friend.)
    Baron: Coming, Mr. Silver. (follows the NBA Commissioner out to the podium as it's being set up on the court for the trophy presentation in order to find his Lone Wolfess.) Yeah. I deeply apologize for bothering you about this, Mr. Silver, but I just want to fetch my Lone Wolfess and bring her back to Las Vegas so she can wrap up Money In The Bank.
    Adam: It's no problem at all, sir. (to the Lone Wolf as they enter the basketball court, ready to locate their feminine friend.) By the way, since you’re here, would you like to witness the trophy presentation?
    Baron: Sure.
    Queen Madame Ninja Barrett: (notices the two men as she changes back into her normal attire and motions them over to where she is.)
    Baron: Oh, there you are, my Lone Wolfess. As soon as we witness the trophy presentation, you and I need to head back over to Money In The Bank in Las Vegas.
    Ninja: Understood.
    Mike Breen: What a scene, an emotional scene for LeBron James. These diehard fans, so passionate. They so love their teams, decades of heartbreak of being teased, but it never diminished their passion and now, they’re rewarded with an NBA Championship. As always, the terrific sportsmanship. So much more to come here from Oracle Arena as LeBron James and the Cavaliers win the NBA Championship and the celebration just underway in the city of Cleveland. Let’s go to Doris.
    Doris Burke: Mike, overcome with emotion is exactly how I would describe LeBron’s reaction as he shares a hug with Kyrie. I’ll give him a minute, but he’s still crying tears (as someone bumps into her.) of joy. (approaches him.) LeBron.
    Kyrie Irving: Oh, I’m sorry, Doris.
    Doris: No, no worries, Kyrie. LeBron, as soon as that buzzer sounded, your emotions let loose. Can you describe what you’re feeling right now?
    LeBron James: I set out a goal, two years. I gave everything that I have. I put my heart and my blood and my sweat and my tears in this game and against all odds, against all odds, I don’t know why we want to take the hardest road. I don’t know why the man above gave me the hardest road but there’s nothing the man above going to put new situations that you can’t handle. And I just kept the same, positive attitude like, instead of saying why me? I was saying this is what he wanted me to do. Cleveland, this is for you!
    Doris: LeBron, you did what no other team had been able to do, coming back from a 3-1 deficit in the Finals and to do that, you had to win twice in a place that proved too much for so many teams. What did you find in Game 5 here?
    LeBron: Just locked in. I had to change my approach a little bit on how I approach the game. I wasn’t that good in the first two games here in this building. I watched a lot of film, detailed it out, changed my blueprint and was able to put together some spectacular games after being down 3-1. History, we in the record books. We the first team ever to come back from a 3-1 deficit. This is special.
    Doris: We’ll see you in a few minutes on the podium for the trophy presentation.
    LeBron: Alright. Thank you, Doris.
    Mike: One of the great storybook endings in all of sports. And it looked like earlier in the Finals like it was going to end like so many other seasons for the Cleveland sports teams with a defeat and a wait til next year. And LeBron James and the Cavaliers win 3 straight, 2 here in Oracle Arena. Has there ever been a player more valuable to his team than James has been in Cleveland the last two years? You think about what he was able to accomplish, coming back to Cleveland, making a statement, taking a team that had been awful the previous four years and flat out got it done. Those four years he was in Miami, Cleveland had the worst record in the NBA during that stand. He comes back, back to back Finals and a championship season for the city of Cleveland. Final score, Game 7: Cavaliers 141, Warriors 89. We’ll be back to Oracle Arena for the trophy presentation.
    Adam: Well then, if everything's prepared and everyone's ready, let's get this trophy presentation started.

  4. Never in the history of the world have so many people around the world said “WE did it” at the same time.

  5. This why LeBron the goat fr shoutout the other legends but they didn’t do this 🤷🏽‍♂️

  6. I was in prison during this and I literally started screaming from my cell and everyone started going crazy..I looked out my cell window and seen a lit toilet roll of paper rolling down the stairs..the funniest thing was seeing faithful cleveland fans clean up storeday from betting they would win 🏆. Prison is shit but that day was a good day,lol

  7. bottom line, now hopefully ky and AD team up to bring bron to his last championship before retire, that would be legendary!

  8. lebron crying here and dirk's championship walkoff still give me chills. just wish dirk did not walkoff though

  9. why people leaving with warriors trailing by only 4 points? possible that warriors tied the game with a 3 plus a free throw


  11. God still to this day I can’t believe the Cavs won. I was born and raised in Cleveland Ohio and rooted for the Cavs before these finals and I root for them still till this day. This is one of those games that you remember exactly where you were at, I was at my grandmas house and my eyes were glued to the tv while I sat in front of it on the floor . I remember being so nervous and scared that the Cavs were going to lose again because when they lost in 2015 I was devastated so I knew this year we had to win. I and everyone else watching witnessed history live, but as someone who actually is from Cleveland and suffered the lost throughout the years, seeing them finally win our first championship in any sport since 1964 was amazing. I remember the block, the shot, Kevin Loves defense on Curry, LeBron’s free throw and the sound of the buzzer going off better than the back of my hand. When LeBron had that iconic block on Iguodala I screamed of joy and when Kyrie hit that game winning 3 I started to celebrate but I was still terrified, until we were up by 4 points with 10.6 seconds left of the game. The Warriors had the ball with 10.6 seconds left of the the game and Cleveland was up by 4 it was at that moment I knew the Cavs won their first ever NBA championship. The Cavs were the underdogs and they were going against a 73-9 team, no one though they could’ve came back from a 3-1 lead but as a Cavs fan I knew that the could do it and I believed in them. This game was more than just basketball. This game was history, the first team in NBA history to comeback from a 3-1 lead in the finals, the Cavs first ever NBA championship, Cleveland’s first championship in 52 years and it was the best night of my life. I remember when the clock ran out and the buzzer went off I started to celebrate and jump around, I poured water and beer on me just because how happy I was and I didn’t know what to do. I remember the day after I had to check my phone and see if the Cavs actually won and I was so happy that it wasn’t a dream. To me as a Cavs fan this made LeBron the Goat, he did something no one else ever did. He came back after 4 years and told Ohio that he was going to give us a championship and he sure did. This game made me respect LeBron as a player and person forever and he will always be the GOAT in my eyes. When LeBron left Cleveland in 2018 I wasn’t mad because he gave us a championship like he said he was going to do. In fact when LeBron left I was a big LeBron fan by then and I told my self wherever LeBron goes I go and rooted for him ever since despite he’s not on Cleveland anymore. When Kyrie left Cleveland in 2017 I wasn’t mad because I was great full for what he did for the Cavs and the city and state of Cleveland, Ohio. I also have too much respect for Kyrie and I root for him and his team to this day. Kevin Love is amazing and I will always support him as well. Also I have to thank the Warriors for choking and blowing a 3-1 lead, seriously I really appreciate that. And in wise words of LeBron James “CLEVELAND THIS IS FOR YOU!”


  13. this was by far the best finals series ever!! coming back from 3-1 to winning the next 3 game and seeing the performances & numbers from lebron and kyrie was something different!! everybody lost faith in the cavs and said they were done but when lebron is on the other team he always had a chance!! this cemented lebron as the goat🐐 and if it wasn’t for them going to recruit kd we would’ve won’t the next 2 yrs!!

  14. Rest in peace Nick Gilbert. Watching you celebrate made Cleveland proud. So happy that the Cavs won while you were able to enjoy it also. Condolences to his mom dad sister and brothers.

  15. I'm sorry!.. But who is my guy from thr cavs bench running in the opposite direction!… Brotha had to ho to the bathroom bad!.. And gotta love the suits!… Lol! 😂

  16. Lebitch James wins on the real king james birthday gotta love the rigging. They turn off those magnets and no one can make a shot turn them on and anyone can score. Such fake shit.

  17. it all began when clay Thompson said "We've must of hurt his feelings" Lebron : Ok, Watch this

  18. I feel like the bench player more excited than the first 5 starting player😊😊😊🔥🔥🔥🔥🤘🤘🤘🤘🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭

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