@National Basketball Association

KD in a now-deleted tweet: “I don’t think jokic wants or cares to be a star. Go to work and go home, FaceTime his horses and hop in the pool.”

[Screenshot by Kevin O’Connor](

>KOC: KD with an all-time great deleted tweet

>Durant: I don’t think jokic wants or cares to be a star. Go to work and go home, FaceTime his horses and hop in the pool.

by lopea182


  1. Solid-Confidence-966

    Maybe he means that Jokic doesn’t want to be the center of attention

  2. Norberzt

    I can relate with KD. No problem with that no cap.

  3. thechemistrychef

    I mean, Jokic obviously cares. But not the whole “Ball is life” level of care. He trains, clocks in, kicks ass, and then peaces out. We love his dry humor and honesty but the media hates it cause it doesn’t give them quotes and material to talk about

    KD deleted it because it’s easy to interpret it as being rude, but it’s obvious Jokic doesn’t want or care about the spotlight like that even if he’s one of the best players ever

  4. so-cal_kid

    I mean he’s not wrong that’s exactly what Jokic says in all his interviews. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about basketball tho

  5. CoachDT

    I think he’s pretty accurate but I can see how someone might misconstrue it as him saying Jokic doesn’t care about basketball.

    He don’t really wanna be a huge Star and he’s reiterated that in pretty much every interview about the subject.

  6. Based_and_JPooled

    All European NBA stars born after 1993 don’t do social media, all they know is work, go home, feed they horse, eat hot sarma, & ride

  7. unclechad

    “‎Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I’m an agent of chaos.”

    Fat Sloppy European boy as he dominates athletic freaks, and cleans up awards and recognition

  8. CoaxHoax

    He’s right, but he deleted it because people are going to twist it into saying Joker doesn’t care about basketball

  9. Ninja_knows

    He’s not wrong. Jokic has said it himself that he enjoys it when he’s on the court but is really not a fan of the whole media thing that follows along. He has no social media and is known for not giving a lot of, or any, interviews, outside from what he’s contractually obligated.

  10. percy2376

    Durant is despised many of us that a legitimate tweet sounds almost wrong

  11. Due_Connection179

    He doesn’t care about being the star, but he does care about winning. That’s all that matters at the end of the day.

  12. unclehelpful

    Why would he delete it, seems like something Jokic would say.

  13. mmaguy123

    I feel like a lot of people are going to want to try to be mad at this

  14. Savahoodie

    Any MVP born in Serbia cant ball

    All they do is Go to Work, Go Home, FaceTime they horse, be large, twerk, hop in pool, and lie

  15. Picklesbedamned

    Funny ass tweet but we can’t have nice things

  16. ImBornToBeTired

    Look KD you may have different taste in women but to call jokics wife a horse is a low blow

  17. lastsorrowth

    KD is a nice dude but everyone treats him like he means ill will about everything. I dont blame him for deleting the tweet.

  18. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    I am sure most people are like this. I do my job, I do the bare minimum and still get paid the same amount and go home. And live my life.

    Basketball doesn’t have to be everything in a players life. They are allowed to be human beings and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

    KD isn’t wrong in saying that.

  19. Bballopinion

    This is the tamest thing KD has ever said

  20. texas2089

    I’m not even sure why he deleted it. He’s not wrong. I don’t think Jokic cares about being the face of the franchise or a superstar. He just wants to do his job, win a title, and go home and do normal people shit.

  21. I guess I’m not seeing what’s wrong with the tweet? I think it makes him sound unique not insulting

  22. pipe_tyson

    lmfaoooo man i’m the only one crying laughing at the thought of this man facetiming horses?

  23. KD wasn’t throwing shade at Jokic… a few weeks ago, he even said that he’ll probably go down as the greatest center ever.

    What he was implying was that Jokic doesn’t like the attention.

    Twitter is full of over-reactionary idiots (including the media) so the dude just deleted the tweet lol.

  24. BradyReas

    Was this offensive somehow? I feel like most people would say this about Jokic

  25. Dr_Edge_ATX

    I don’t take that as an insult? Are people viewing it that way?

    Jokic reminds me of Duncan in that way. He’s not trying to be a star but he obviously still wants to win and puts in the work to be a great player.

  26. BorisDirk

    Durant: I don’t think ja wants or cares to be a star. Go to work and go home, FaceTime his guns and hop on IG live.

  27. Hakeem_TheDream

    Reading comprehension is incredibly low these days. How could anyone interpret this to mean Jokic doesn’t love basketball?

  28. ChiefHunter1

    This tweet has nothing to do with Jokic’s love for ball or ability. He just means he doesn’t need the adoration or recognition that comes with being a star

  29. Mikimao

    Yeah, seems like a really accurate take to me.

    Dude seems to be 100% about winning the game, not about “the life”

    This is a stark contrast to LeBron James, who is also 100% about winning, but is clearly all about “the life”

  30. furyousferret

    I don’t see why that is a controversial tweet he’d have to delete.

  31. LocustUprising

    Imagine thinking that this statement is wrong, or that it’s a shot at jokic

  32. u_n_p_s_s_g_c

    I don’t see this as belittling Jokic at all, he actively turns down tons of interview requests and publicly says this is how he approaches the game all the time. When he does make public statements like 50% of them are about his horses or his pool lol

  33. TroubleUnique4430

    Why is everyone in this thread acting like anyone thinks this was bad? Everyone’s like prejudging people’s reactions

  34. sharplist

    Maybe he means that his ego is in check, he’s self-aware, quietly self-confident and is comfortable with who he is. And that 99% of the players could and should learn from his example.

  35. MrOrangeWhips

    FWIW, I have family working at the Nuggets facility and I hear first person in every morning is Popeye Jones and second person in every morning is Jokic.

    He gets to work early every day.

  36. BobbyClaytonII

    man who usually tweets dumb shit shocking says something so innocuous that media can’t accept that they agree with him

  37. OlTommyBombadil

    Seems complimentary toward Jokic if you’ve ever heard Jokic talk about this stuff

    People are weird, man. There was nothing wrong with that tweet

  38. TheEliteCalhoun

    Maybe Joker doesn’t need to be a Curry babby and have the GSW gift him a chip

  39. Ouchyhurthurt

    I mean, i think Jokic would agree.

  40. pizzarelatedmap

    jokic just wants to use the zipline

  41. Deuce_Bostitute

    The amount of slander Jokic receives from players in the NBA is nuts.

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