@Philadelphia 76ers

[ESP] It’s been 10 years since The Process started and it’s clear it was a huge success The #Sixers were irrelevant with no star players before Now they have the MVP and are contenders every year to win the title That isn’t just success. It’s a huge success.

[ESP] It’s been 10 years since The Process started and it’s clear it was a huge success The #Sixers were irrelevant with no star players before Now they have the MVP and are contenders every year to win the title That isn’t just success. It’s a huge success.

by unbelievre


  1. ShaunyDukes


    Edit: saying the process was a “success” is horsesh*t.

    In all honesty, we could’ve had the same level of cumulative success at this point without taking the lose on purpose method.

    The process was fumbled.

  2. oanazaks

    A statement not inflamed or exaggerated at all to increase twitter engagement /s

  3. GarfieldFromGarfield

    do we get a “huge success” banner?

  4. IndigoJacob

    Yup here we go. More fuel for this toxic loser ass sub.

    – Being a perennial 50+ win team is good.

    – Being a top 5 team in the league, for half a decade running is good.

    – Rostering the current MVP, with a hall of fame point guard, and Maxey to boot, are *ALL* fruits born from the assets Hinkie acquired.

    Use your fucking heads if you know how. We’ve been contenders, we still are contenders, and The Process was successful.

    All we need is the finishing touch, the crown jewel, and we have to believe Joel and co. will bring it to us, otherwise yall never trusted the process to begin with

  5. LCLeopards

    Are we better than a decade ago? Yes. But that can’t be the bar. The purpose of this all was to win it all. I won’t call it a huge success until they at least make the eastern conference finals and even then I don’t think it’s a huge success.

  6. LightOutlaw76

    We suffered through the process to get a treasure trove of assets only to bring in the holy trinity of mismanagement and squander it all for what was ultimately the horford and richardson season. Later Morey came to salvage it but there’s only so much you can do with dick rivers at the helm. The process got shot in the leg when the colangelos came and that’s the end of it.

  7. MrThreebound

    And yet we have gotten no farther in the playoffs than the Doug Collins Sixers.

  8. HoagieTwoFace

    It could’ve been better. It could still be better.

  9. SomeGuyNamedJohn12

    The bar is in hell. Hard to call the Process a success when the whole goal was to win a Championship. Something that still hasn’t happened. Not even a finals appearance.

  10. Ryanthecat

    We had to endure 5+ years of misery, the only publicly announced longterm planned tank, which is an embarrassment in its own right. All culminating in squandering how many draft picks, bad contracts/FO decisions, all to get wildly lucky one time because Embid hurt his foot and fell to 3? Please miss me with all of this shit. The process was a monumental failure, downvote away!

  11. I swear to God this time two years ago after the Hawks series, this same prick put out a tweet saying how The Process was an undeniable failure because of Embiid’s injuries, Simmons, and Fultz.

  12. DaBombDiggidy

    It’s shocking we’re contenders at all with how bad the process was fumbled.

    This might get me shot around here but Hinkie and everyone else blew it a long time ago by drafting duds year after year after year. Then whenever we get decent role players like Mikal and Jerami we give them up. ^(to be super clear, i believe the process worked in a sense of gaining a fuck ton of capital but shit the bed in how that capital was spent)

  13. nugcityharambe

    I mean the process was ultimately successful as the goal was to get a star player and accumulate assets. We just shat away the assets we gained with trash management and misfortune

  14. phillyprince9397

    The huge success thing is false. You can debate whether it was worth it or not. Without a chip saying it’s a huge success doesn’t cut it for me

  15. Willigers27

    The “Hinkie Chapter” of The Process was a huge success. He took a middling team with zero future, but was able to create one by making smart trades to acquire assets and was brazen enough to go the Rachel Phelps route to ensure the picks we did have would be high enough to garner a shot at top-end talent. No, not every pick he made was a rousing success but the strategy was sound and effective.

    Unfortunately we will never know what Hinkie would have done differently than Colangelo because he had his legs cut out from under him when the NBA forced him out. For me, “The Process” at that time was completed as it was clear the organization decided it was winning time and to cash in on their assets. I don’t think i need to do a rundown of the calamity of decisions that have been made since the Colangelo’s entered the picture.

    10 years ago if you had told me “The Process” would result in a bunch of 2nd round exits then i surely wouldn’t consider that a success, but again i don’t consider these last 4-5 seasons “The Process” either. To call these last 4-5 season a success is pure cope though, it’s only been a success to one guy….Josh Harris…..and maybe, IndigoJacob lol

  16. The process ended right when hinkie was fired.

    The process was also only 3 years.
    The sixers were only the worst team in the league one of those 3 years.

    Despite the fact that Elton brand and the colangelos made terrible moves, we are still a top 5 ish team in the league and have a shot at a title due to hinkies assets.

    The sixers have an MVP thanks to the process.

  17. GaviFromThePod

    The Sixers were straight trash for YEARS and now they’re kinda good. They coulda gotten to this level without sucking ass for years.

  18. Cjs8181

    The only negative to the process era as a concept is knowing we could have a dynasty now had we not been saddled with a league sanctioned clown show after the execution of sam hinkie for displeasing overlord Adam

  19. RaindropsInMyMind

    What about all the teams that didn’t do all this bullshit and are still winning?

  20. itiswhatitise

    I agree with him, despite all disappointments and mismanagement from FO, still to be a contender every year is a great success imo.

  21. VinJahDaChosin

    Da fuck? Man go somewhere with that wack shit. This was a fail the owners suck. I’m convinced Adam silver hates the sixers as much as he hates seeing a naked woman that’s not his mother. We are fucked for the next ten years and it’s going to be down hill from here FTP!

  22. GMSmith928

    A common rebuttal I see from folks who don’t want to blow it up is that a lot of all time greats didn’t win until later in their career and names who were brought up was KG and Dirk. But what side of the fanbase overlooks is guys like KG and Dirk had a deep playoff run or two prior to winning a title (Dirk made finals in 06 before winning in 2011 and KG made WCF with Minny)

    People would have more faith in Embiid and this team if they had a deep playoff run or two recently (conference finals appearance or finals appearance). But this team had 5 second round exits and 1 first round exit in the last 6 years. What does it take 10 years of second round exits to finally come to grips with reality?

  23. LAClipShow2020

    I get his take but I have to say respectfully… “The Process” isn’t complete w/o a banner. However, Jo winning MVP does give me a sense of piece with the process. We got the franchise star we desperately needed. The banner is the goal & then this process will be complete.

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