@Atlanta Hawks

Could the Atlanta Hawks realistically land Suns’ Chris Paul?

Could the Atlanta Hawks realistically land Suns’ Chris Paul?

by zwtor


  1. PoetJustice

    I think he’ll still want to start, he was still averaging double figures and nearly 9 assists in his advanced age and injury plagued season. Probably will hop onto the Lakers banana boat

  2. freshOJ

    The only way he comes to Atlanta is if all the championship contenders only offer him a minimum contract and the Hawks offer their mid level. I don’t really think that happens. Likely Paul could use a team like Atlanta as leverage for a team like the Lakers to offer their MLE to Paul.

  3. This is like a team with Jokic signing an aging Boris Diaw. Why would we go sign Trae Young at home for $30M/year?

  4. candlerc

    If he signs to be the leader of the 2nd unit, we should absolutely try. I think he’d be a great mentor for Trae and Dejounte. I don’t really see us being one of his top options though.

  5. Legalize-Birds

    Hot take, bring him in for an actual reasonable amount and swear give him ownership/ guaranteed high ball offer for FO / coaching gig with us. I think he’s gonna have a very nice post playing career

    You’d really be hard pressed to find a better mentor/vet than a guy who has practically done it all while having the exact same measurements coming out of college as Trae

  6. Doc_Mechagodzilla

    There is 0% chance that Chris Paul plays with the Hawks next season. They have no means to afford him and not enough minutes for what he would expect. Paul isn’t an All-NBA player any longer but he can still be expected to play 28 mins and 65 games a season of high level PG play on a playoff level team. There are other teams that make much more sense for him to let him play and still contend for a Title.

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