@Denver Nuggets

Nick Rothschild, with a quote from AG explaining what is wrong with MPJ

Nick Rothschild, with a quote from AG explaining what is wrong with MPJ

by ksnyder23


  1. siggyjack

    MPJ is too good of a player to be a slump for very long. Once he hits a few shots in a row it’s a wrap

  2. NoiceForNoReason

    I wish my wife supported me the way Aaron Gordon supports his teammates

  3. Shenanigans80h

    This squad holds each other up and supports one another at every turn. Legitimately a healthy locker room is such an underrated aspect to a winning squad like ours. I just know our guys are gonna keep MPJ on track, then he’ll start knocking down shots

  4. arashinokoto

    I love AG for this omg. Recognizing that MPJ always has the ability, and picking him up as he is struggling.

  5. who_likes_chicken

    Everyone is talking about MPJ just not performing.

    I know the dude has been a little lackluster at the end of some plays, but part of me thinks Spo has just schemed MIA’s defense to completely remove MPJ from the game. I think MIA deserves some credit instead of it just being a *rag on MPJ* fest I’m seeing out of some people

  6. bluenami2018

    All the Nuggets are awesome. Such team spirit!!

  7. BRAX7ON

    MPJ has all of the talent in the world.

    Between his natural body type, he is strong and tall, and his ability to shoot the three-point shot, he is an absolute mismatch. Confidence is an issue with him. But I firmly believe health is an issue ATM as well. He just looks tight and unwilling and I bet his back is at least partially responsible for that.

    Having said that, a max player has to find a way to be an offensive presence every game. He has to give us 16. I member KMart when he was at the back end of his career (and he never was quite the 20+ points per game score we hoped he would be) he still found a way to give us a few put back jams and fastbreak dunks a game. Maintaining a solid presence offensively and defensively every game/season.

    Michael Porter Junior absolutely needs to be that kind of player at the very least.

  8. 7 boards, Jimmy tried hunting him and he held his own. Even if the shots aren’t falling yet, Mike is making an impact. G2 was a bit of the youth and inexperience/immaturity showing out in my opinion . Love this team for holding each other up

  9. BuckEmBroncos

    Aaron Gordon has the most underrated impact on this team

  10. Ninja_knows

    Game 4, MPJ goes off and shoots threes 8/9

  11. OptionalBagel

    AG lowkey signaling the truth about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the fact that it has visited Earth.

  12. Boofie__Collins

    He’s not making the shots he typically makes but he’s giving effort to make up for it in other areas

  13. kiwisawa420

    Man I just watched the 3rd quarter again trying to find what the Nuggets did to blow the game open. Mike played so damned hard and I tip my cap to him. Crashing the boards, fighting over screens, contesting without fouling, getting it in the mud.
    He also played smart. Love is his man, so on one possession the Heat get the ball to Vincent on the wing, MPJ blitzes a double onto Vincent for a couple seconds, realizes that Love is fading to his spot at the top of the key and runs back to Love right before the pass finds its way to him and forces Love to pass. Seems small and simple, and it kinda is. But teams and players considered better defenses have been getting beat by that exact kind of play, and MPJ sniffed it out.

    What I saw on rewatch was that the Nuggets didn’t do anything special in the third, the only difference was MPJ brought a different level on intensity he didn’t have in the first half and suddenly the lead balloons. He’s our ceiling raiser and back breaker (I really tried to think of a better term I stg). Mike getting in the mud and flying around is the secret sauce that makes this team feel unbeatable.

  14. Atluuuus

    Me and a friend were talking about this last night, but we fucking love AG. He genuinely just seems like the nicest fucking guy.

  15. GoldAvant

    Christian Braun has the same amount of PTS in the Finals as max contract Michael Porter Jr.

    Braun didn’t even play in Game 1.

  16. flappypancaker

    MPJ IS 24 YEARS OLD, WITH THREE BACK SURGERIES! We’ve seen tons of young players struggling with consistency (Jamal being one of them) and we as a fanbase need to extend some grace to one of our core guys.

    Think of where he could be in 2 years when he’s Jamal’s current age, or 4 years when he’s the same age as Jokic. God willing he stays healthy…but I trust he’ll only improve because so far we’ve seen his work ethic when healthy

  17. No-Sound-888

    It is a TEAM game. MPJ is part of that team. He will do his best and if he just cannot get what needs to be done done he will not sulk about losing some minutes. I think he breaks out next game but who knows?

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