@Philadelphia 76ers

[Heavy] NBA Execs Get Harsh on James Harden, Rockets Free Agency Rumor: ‘It’s Over’

[Heavy] NBA Execs Get Harsh on James Harden, Rockets Free Agency Rumor: ‘It’s Over’

by DanM142


  1. DanM142

    > Said an NBA executive, “There’s this talk about him going back to Houston, but from what I understand it’s nothing more than a negotiating ploy. He knows that these guys aren’t going to max him. He’s no longer a max player, but he’s hoping that Philly wants him back and is willing to pay him.

    > “Houston’s making changes, so what connections will James have with the new people — and why would Houston, that has a bunch of youngsters that they’re trying to grow into NBA players, why would they bring in someone with James’ history of partying?”

    > “He can get numbers; he can help a team,” the exec said. “But he’s not a max player anymore. You can’t justify it. The unfortunate part is that more and more of us are going to metrics, and there’s nobody’s metric measurement that looks at him and his efficiency and what he gives up defensively and says, ‘Oh, yeah, this is a guy we should max out.’”

  2. Ronshol

    If Rockets don’t want him we shouldn’t bet against ourselves. Offer him another 1+1 deal.

  3. I would have no issues if he picked up his player option or signed a 1 year max deal. Would allow sixers to be players in 2024 free agency as well

  4. LCLeopards

    And tomorrow we’ll get yet another, Harden to Houston tweet from Woj or others and the media cycle will continue.

    This is the way.

  5. throwawayjoeyboots

    I mean this is 100% true but you still have half this sub wanting to believe he’s anywhere near a max player at his age and point in his career.

    It’s only going to get worse. Father time is undefeated.

  6. TheSublimeLight


  7. Johnnygunnz

    Let’s be real… it never started. His agency put that out there to drive up his price. It was never real. Why would they pay him to allow down their rebuild and why would he go there unless he’s taking money over rings, which Houston was probably never offering him the most money anyway?

  8. CrazyBaboon26

    I’m only thinking about hurts and the eagles now

  9. the_winter_woods

    I’m so over this dude. I don’t like his game. It’s never won at the highest levels. And now he’s old and worse of a black hole, no defense, primadonna.

  10. Moheezy__3

    “Houston’s making changes, so what connections will James have with the new people — and why would Houston, that has a bunch of youngsters that they’re trying to grow into NBA players, why would they bring in someone with James’ history of partying?”

    That’s a dumb statement. James has been great for the culture of this team. He really embraced the mentorship role with Maxey, he played a big part in brining in Tucker (blame Morey for the overpay) and he sacrificed a lot of money and stats to help the team win a chip. He followed the coach’s marching orders with no complaints even though he did not agree with his strategy at times.

    Even the Nets players mentioned Harden was the guy to bring the team together.

  11. If he really wants to play in Houston, it’s nothing more than valuing going home a lot more than winning. It’s really as simple as that because even with the additional of a healthy Harden, that’s not even a playoff team. If he wants to go that route, I get it.

  12. jtthehuman

    Idk I don’t think you guys are actually thinking about how this works. Harden wants long term money because he’s aging. Sixers don’t have a better option. On his brain he’s thinking I took a pay cut already. Either way everyone is fucked there isn’t a good outcome.

    1. You sign him run it back hope for a Nick nurse miracle and maybe a tobi trade that helps depth. You win next year or the year after and it’s worth it to be fucked last 2 years

    2 you don’t sign him get worse hope for a maxey growth spurt and a lucky signing but embiids clock is ticking too harden goes away.

    I feel like realistically both options fuck the sixers. The window is closed. option 1 gives you a sliver of hope for the next two years but it’s slim for sure.

    Option 2 feels like a rebuild tbh.

    It’s all fucked to me. But the idea that harden won’t take a big final pay day is not realistic to me especially when he’s already done it.

  13. Wallyworld77

    Bucks are running into a similar problem with Khris Middleton. He’s not a Max player anymore but he has a last year player option for next season for $40 Million. I hope he picks up that player option and signs an extension for around $25mill/year.

  14. Niner-Sixer-Gator

    Nobody(except Morey) want to pay him $50 million

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