@Minnesota Timberwolves

Rudy in Midseason form

Rudy in Midseason form

by MasterScooby11


  1. Obeliscol2

    Who cares who he follows as long as he learns his first post move this offseason

  2. TheNotoriousJN

    I genuinely dont like Rudy the person. Irrespective of Rudy the player and the trade, I just find him difficult to defend or root for outside of naturally rooting for the Wolves

    Its been a year of liking incredibly questionable shit. Following incredibly questionable people and the well known bs

  3. skolaen

    God i didnt think i could dislike rudy any more and he keeps proving me wrong in the worst way. Will be so glad when this dude isnt on our team

  4. PrinceOfPugetSound10

    I’ll bite… who did he follow and why does it matter?

  5. PlayInChampions

    Im from a different country and I would say that cancel culture has gone too far in the US. If you have a slightly different opinion about a certain controversial topic the society will eat you alive. This streamer just said his opinion, perhaps controversial, and got absolutely cancelled by everyone. Rudy followed him and got a lot of hate. For example, in my country you go to jail for LGBTQ propaganda. Im totally against these laws, but I definitely don’t support people who consider only one opinion as the right one.

    That being said, I have learned to follow the rules to live in this country. Saying anything controversial can affect my degree so I just keep my mouth shut. If you are a public figure like Rudy Gobert you have to understand EVERYTHING you do online is available to millions of people. Perhaps he should not have followed this guy even if he agrees with him.

  6. RememberCynical

    Nah. You people and your cancel culture are so exhausting. Children should not be influenced in schools.

  7. skoltoast

    Rudy is such a horrible person and we should all boycott him! How could he follow someone that has their own opinion on a hot topic right now! The horror! Down with Gobert!

  8. SuperVaderMinion

    How are we doing queer Timberwolves fans 🫠

  9. TallOllie

    Rudy knows what he’s doing. He’s a scummer. Fuckin’ weirdo too. Reallyyyyyyyy wish he didn’t play for my favorite team but that’s being a Wolves fan baby!

  10. xxxlumify

    Whomever is the most pissed off needs to do a video analysis breaking this down, because you guys are nuts for getting this riled up about an individual’s opinions.

    Wtf do you think him and Ant are talking about in the locker room?? How sorry they are? Get a fucking grip this is so annoying.

  11. LathargicLemur

    This fan base is filled with far too many snowflakes.

  12. sayqueensbridge

    Bro is an unlikeable weirdo, hard to genuinely root for him

  13. sleepyfox1312

    every time this man interacts with social media he makes it more clear that he’s just an ass. regardless of the trade or any other roster moves, i can’t root for this guy. fuck him.

  14. Queasy-Impression618

    WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT SOME NICKMERCS??????!!!!!!!! Come too the Celtics!!!!!!

  15. Actual-Necessary810

    Rudy’s brother is gay . Y’all are weird for this

  16. YaKnowMuhSteezz

    Maybe he just liked apex streams lmao

  17. yungshotstopper

    Sheesh people are way too heated about this. Nick didn’t even make an insult he voiced his opinion about kindergarten teachers forcing it onto kids, people are seriously upset about that rudy agreeing with that? Gtfo.

    I know I’m about to get down voted for this comment but y’all need to grow up and realize everyone has their own opinions and that’s fine. Rudy literally followed the dude, who the fuck cares

  18. frallet

    Do people think everyone aligns with all the views of everyone they follow on social media, or even know what everyone they follow thinks of every social topic? Seems pretty impossible. Like the post today about one of the 900 accounts Chris Pratt follows being a bigot? What an obnoxious level of social media. Can’t click follow without a deep dive on their political views. Some of you need something better to do.

  19. DooflesMcFloofles

    Y’all act like the majority of other countries are as accepting as the United States is

  20. League0fnate

    Leaving the kids alone is now questionable lmao


    I’m genuinely curious why people care about the political views of the players on our team. You can’t go through life expecting everyone to agree with your beliefs. For example, ant grew up in the south and went to private Catholic high school. His life experience gives him different views than somebody who grew up in Edina. So Rudy followed a guy on Twitter and now people are rushing to call him transphobic. I guess I just don’t get why so many people care what these guys believe. We don’t pay Rudy for his opinions on society


    Why does stuff like this need to be posted here? I get that it doesn’t break any rules, but seems like it’s just so divisive and only leads to toxicity on these threads.

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