@Boston Celtics

Why is this mentality seemingly impossible for the Celtics players to adopt

Why is this mentality seemingly impossible for the Celtics players to adopt

by billyjamestime


  1. Plastic_Database_645

    Even a Jokic-less on the floor, that team was capable of making runs it was fucking fantastic seeing how well they move the ball.

    I thought Heat would cruise and cut the lead when Jokic got 5 fouls early in 4th quarter then Brown freaking exploded.

  2. bradyisking

    Bc mentally the star players aren’t there yet. It’s a shame bc I feel like role players like White and Horford are ready for a ring, but Smart and the Jays still dick around too much.

  3. Competitive-Wrap-534

    When will people realize it has nothing to do with mentality? It’s about BBIQ and decision making. Our team is full of players with low BBIQ and that tends to be exposed when other teams go on runs.

  4. Garricakes

    Genuinely think most the players try too hard not to relax and actually relaxing is the best thing for your decision making in the clutch and when you have a lead.

    Sports are a hard mental game. Period. It’s not some flaw unique to the Boston Celtics basketball team. They’re not actively trying to lose or don’t care about winning, usually it’s the absolute opposite.

  5. Bewilderbeest79

    Cause our core is too cool, cavalier and lacks killer instinct until we’re at the brink of getting bounced out of the playoffs.

  6. ImeStopPlayingDennis

    Pretty sure the Celtics are collectively just REALLY fucking stupid in terms of basketball iq while the nuggets aren’t. The Celtics skate by purely on talent not plays and execution

  7. Special-Cat-5480

    I feel like a lot of our core players share this sentiment that they made it because of the achievement of personal goals. It’s a maturity issue.

  8. East_Refuse

    The worst part is the Celtics will go out of their way to tell you this is their mentality then when it actually matters you get squat.

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