@Toronto Raptors

Raptors to hire Darko Rajakovic

TSN’s Raptors reporter Josh Lewenberg joined SportsCentre to discuss the new hiring of Darko Rajakovic, the risk involved in hiring him over more experienced coaches and how he is widely regarded as one of the NBA’s best in player development.


  1. The main reason the Craptors hired this Serbian coach is for a feeble attempt at signing Nikola Jokic when he's a free agent.

  2. If you don’t know who he is, you ain’t paying attention to Basketball!!! Yep that’s you tsn,

  3. Poor Josh Lewenberg. He's a Nick Nurse lover and a Fred BumVleet lover as well. He's very sad that BumVleet will not not get to play 40 mins anymore to score 19 points per. Sellout mother butler…..

  4. People weren’t that happy about the Nick Nurse hire either if I remember right. We won’t know until a few years from now if this was a good decision or not…..if they don’t get players it won’t matter anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️

  5. “”For better or worse,” looks like the MSM propagandist’s are out to spin the ‘we don’t trust the Raptors front office’ narrative. What a group of fools. I can’t stomach their bs.

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