@Philadelphia 76ers

We don’t really know anything.

We don’t really know anything.

by lengune


  1. SelfFashioning

    Man I’m shocked so many want Beal and Van Vleet. We’re arguably worse with them. The last one especially – 4 years of Beal over 2 years of Harden, really?

    We deserve to be mocked as a fanbase.

  2. Thegrandmistressofoz

    91-9 in favor of Tobias wtf? I wasn’t using sports social media much back then but that proportion of ppl thinking Tobias was better is nuts

    Probably people not watching the game and listening to rtrs podcast on how maxing Jimmy over tobi would be a mistake

  3. bigkeys11

    Harden is undoubtedly better than FVV or Beal

  4. throwawayjoeyboots

    Yeah for years now this fanbase has been brainwashed by the toxic positivity dorks. This is how you end up with a bunch of people thinking Tobias Harris is a “better fit” than Jimmy Butler because they just want to feel smart and defend the organization at every step because then feel like they are better fans than people who see reality.

    They just call anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their line of delusional thinking, “dOomerS or WIP Callers.

  5. amenacingballsack

    Anyone who wanted Doc in 2020 is a fucking moron.

    I still think MDA might have been able to make Simmons work.

  6. There’s no way that many people actually voted tobias over jimmy

  7. TnT54321

    It’s almost as if the front office make their decisions based on this poll

  8. This is expected? You have to either be a moron or a troll to actively use Facebook the past 10 years at least. It’s not surprising that the morons answering these polls would have moronic opinions.

  9. Novel_Frosting_1977

    I have a lot to say about this franchise but I’d either get blocked or downvoted to oblivion so I just stay quite.

    How is your day? How about that rain we got yesterday! We needed it.

  10. Dr_Immense_Sack

    Obviously we should always trust the opinions of ppl who vote on meaningless twitter polls. These are 100% accurate representations of the opinions of the entire fanbase

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