@Philadelphia 76ers

They setting this man up on Twitter…like cmon bro

They setting this man up on Twitter…like cmon bro

by lux_senpai_11


  1. HoagieTwoFace

    I’m cutting Giannis because he lost in the first round. 🧐

  2. leastbiasednbafan

    We can’t do shit, Embiid gotta silence these haters and It will be delicious the day he’ll do it

  3. CPTHoagie

    Giannis literally cant shoot the ball and has lost to the same teams Embiid has lost to in every playoffs but 1…where he didnt play and his team won without him.

  4. eexxiitt

    I’ll start all 3. The ultimate mismatch.

  5. joshuatree15

    These types of social media posts are so stupid man…all three are great players

  6. Complex-Tangerine628

    Start Joker, Bench Joel, Cut Giannis

  7. Ok_Mountain_4638

    Cut gainnis. He lost to a fucking 8th seed. How is this a question

  8. SideEnvironmental491

    Not yall saying cut giannis cuz he lost to the 8th seed 🤣🤣. You mean the same 8th seed that beat the team that bounced the sixers??

  9. SnooCompliments9907

    Two of these have rings as the main guy. Not a fair comp

  10. TexasAffectsUs

    Start Jokic, bench Jokic, cut those other two waterboys, get Jokic back out there.

  11. LordLucasSixers

    Sorry Joel, but you gotta prove people wrong.

  12. BigMattress269

    TBH you couldn’t go wrong whatever you chose.

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