@Golden State Warriors

Steph Curry Postgame Interview | Golden State Warriors lose to Los Angeles Lakers 125-100

Steph Curry Postgame Interview | Golden State Warriors lose to Los Angeles Lakers 125-100


  1. I say tired legs hurt them. When you play for years deep in the playoffs the shooting legs start to go.

  2. The Warriors have been a Dynasty. They got out coached, outsmarted. The Lakers IQ has been unbelievable, and they hung with endurance driven dubs. Impressive!

  3. Steph truly is a great player maybe the greatest in basketball history and a real down to earth humble guy. I'm confident the warriors will make the necessary changes in the off season and come back to be a very strong contender for a NBA championship.

  4. Greatest shooter of all time. STRIKES FEAR in the opposition as soon as he crosses half court!!!

  5. curry played awful the last 3 games, shot 29%, 27% and 21% treys and jacked pathetic bombs way too often

  6. Wonder why he's so fidgety like a 2yo,
    even on court all that airplaning & showboating, odd for a grown man's behavior

    staring at floor?!😂
    looking sideways @ media…

    He's difficult to understand. At least he has time off to take courses on how to speak clearly!

  7. Klay and wiggs had less than 10 points each…they have no business not putting up 20 each

  8. Serious question. If we insert Kevin Durant into the current Warriors lineup and they start Curry, Klay, Durant, Green, Payton (or Looney) is the outcome of this series:
    A) Lakers in 6 B) Lakers in 7
    C) Warriors in 6 D) Warriors in 7
    The highest probable result would most definitely be either C or D correct? So if that is true lets reverse engineer this thing using logic and what we know to be true. Let's now assume Durant never joins Warriors and remove him from their history entirely. Who wins the 2017 finals? The Cavs. And the 2018 Finals? The Cavs once again but against the Rockets instead of the Warrios. The highest likely outcome would most definitely be the Cavs winning 3-4 years in a row in the 2015-2018 time span given what we know just happened now in the present and what happened in 2016. A healthy Lebron with a healthy team behind him just took them down yet again without Durant like he did in 2016. So knowing all of this if you insert Kyrie and Love back into the Cavs lineup in 2015 they most likely beat the Warriors that year as well. So why in the world do Curry, Klay and Green get so much credit and praise for having 4 rings when they have only earned one on their own without KD helping them or getting helped by the luck of key injuries to Lebron led teams? Facts people facts!! I'm simply using logic and what we know to be true! The Warriors are SUPER overrated and basically a pretty good decent team without KD. Not a Dynasty like they walk around thinking they are. It's all a facade and I'm so glad they are done!!!

  9. I’ve always loved this young man: his skill set – all round, demeanor, soft skills, passion, humility…just unbelievable!

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