@Denver Nuggets

How Aaron Gordon Changed his Game to Help the Nuggets Win

ahem westbrook ahem



  1. He guard Lebron, Kat, and Jimmy Butler which is why he Nuggets won a championship this year.

  2. that shot at Melo was 🥶
    but deserved. he was the definition of a ball-stopper on offense, and a liability on defense. 1st round exits for 11 of his 13 playoff appearances.

  3. You fail to mention how the nuggets struggle defensively when gordon was on foul trouble during the 1st half of game 5 finals. This just proves his value to the team.

  4. Its a beautiful thing when you watch a player find his role on a team and excel in it. Loved watching every bit of it during this playoff run and hope he can retire as a nugget. #BayAreaLegend

  5. Excellent video. Gordon was probably my favourite player in this playoff run. He's so selfless, knows his role, and performs very well at it. It was amazing to see how happy he was when they won

  6. When I buy the San Antonio Spurs in 2030, I’m gonna come back and make you my general manager !!!

  7. The Bosh and Love comparisons are not quite right. Those guys' box score stats took a massive plunge on moving to a championship team. The box score stats for Gordon this season are better than anything we saw from him in Orlando. Career high in points. At or above his average in assists and rebounds. It was his efficiency that went through the roof. And the obvious reason for that was synergy with Jokic.

  8. Aaron Gordon and Andrew Wiggins are the perfect 3rd/4th option you need for championship. Strong perimeter and interior defense, rebounding, good play finisher, and can create on occasions if asked. What a redemption for both of then

  9. Aaron Gordon was amazing all season this year. People shouldn’t have been surprised when he played so well in the finals.

  10. Great video and i love the comparison to chris bosh and klove, shifting roles is very hard and those guys did it and so did aaron gordon

  11. I remember when he got to denver and he got asked about his shot selections and stuff and he said "These are some of the easiest shots I've taken in my career"

  12. Some of the top picks understand that they're not good enough to be the #1 or #2 scorer on a good team, especially by their 4th or 5th season if they have been grinding in the off-season improving their game. Gordon understood this and they were able to send him to the perfect team.

  13. 'Who needs to be Caramel Antoine (my french version) when you can be a Nba Champion' CA was once a great pick went for good money to the Knicks and the Nuggets could get Jokić + Murray after all…he ended his career this year without a title – the Nuggets took it all…I love this team from the bottom of my heart 😂😂😂

  14. We sometimes forget that Aaron Gordon was the number one option back in Orlando and knows (or at least has the experience of) how to play iso. He might not maintain it for 7 games but he can certainly carry your scoring when you need him. I truly admire what AG turned into and how he defended all those great players. AG played a significant role in the win. Nobody can deny this fact. I also feel like he actually enjoyed being the player he is now. When you play with Jokic, with skill set like AG’s, it must be really really fun to play the game.

  15. Off topic, but I’m really happy you’re back to posting videos man. I used to watch your videos back when I was in high school and now I’m in the middle of my engineering degree. Hope you stay as much as you can, love the vids

  16. So who are best 5 players in Denver for starting? Porter is hot when he is hot but when he is cold he is missing lots of shots.

  17. In defense of the current magic team, their roster looks like a ton of fun now. Who knows if they'll ever be good, but the huge lineups they played were super interesting

  18. Gordon was always a great defender in Orlando he just only showed it when defending great players. He always made guys like LeBron and KD and kawhi and sometimes even Steph work alot harder when he played them

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