@Portland Trail Blazers

Which picks and players do you consider untouchable in a draft-week trade that keeps Dame? Or do you think we can contend with picks and minor tweaks?

Personally I think we should draft Thompson or Scoot, then get a big at 23 like LMil, DLiv, or Clowney so we don’t have to resign Grant (or so we can trade him later if we do). I don’t think there’s pressure to trade until mid-season if we’re too far behind. Either the process of developing our existing players works or it doesn’t but none of you have the stomach for the amount and quality of players we’d have to give up if we go nuclear.

Even if some other team magically wants to trade us an all-star for non-all-stars and a host of picks, that would not be a guarantee of anything. Brooklyn and Phoenix have recently demonstrated that is not a magic ticket to the finals. Turns out if your “super team” doesn’t have a coach, or Steph/LeBron, it’s more likely to implode than succeed. And Miami showed you can contend with a couple of stars and the right roleplayers, which Portland can certainly afford.

by gistya


  1. GuyIncognito211

    If we’re truly all in on building around Dame then no one except Dame should be untouchable if the right deal I available

  2. Cheap_Champion7853

    My dream scenario is to get Markennen and OG for some combination of Simons, 3 and additional picks. Not sure if we could pull that off without including Sharpe but that would certainly be ideal. Dame, OG, Markennen, Grant, Nurk and Sharpe is a contending top 6 rotation.

  3. tblazrdude

    The list of guys worth trading #3 for is very short. It needs to be a ceiling raiser, not just sliding Portland back into the top of the middle.

  4. ComedianManefesto

    It doesn’t matter if we think Portland can contend with picks and minor tweaks, Dame has openly stated HE thinks Portland can not. He says trade the picks and make major tweaks, or he demands a trade.

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