@Boston Celtics

Heard they (the Celtics) — and others — made calls to Detroit asking about Isaiah Stewart. I don’t see the Pistons moving Beef Stew. At all.

Heard they (the Celtics) — and others — made calls to Detroit asking about Isaiah Stewart. I don’t see the Pistons moving Beef Stew. At all.

by tacko2020


  1. _Juntao

    He’s a good player but… lol

    The Great Isaiah Stewart: Untouchable

  2. bkilpatrick3347

    We lack a lot in the front court with Grant probably leaving, Horford getting a year older, Timelord still being Timelord durability wise. I’d love to see at least one rotation quality 4/5 added, if not 2.

  3. DoomdUser

    He’d be great, but they so blatantly were trying to fast-track switching him to the 4 last year, it seems obvious they want to keep him and play him next to Duren. They clearly gave him the green light to jack up 3’s and shoot jumpers last year, to a hilarious extent – they absolutely wanted to give him as many in-game reps as they could in the hopes that he would catch on.

    Doubtful he’ll move unless it becomes seriously incompatible to play him with Duren

  4. 13ronco

    Pistons fan here. Would hate to see him go. Highly switchable big with jumpshooting upside. I really don’t see why we would move on from him unless it’s a vast overpay. He’s well-liked and loves the city.

  5. Fuckblackhorses

    He threw a punch at Lebron, that’s all I need to know. Get him in green asap.

  6. thereal_kphed

    i mean it makes sense, they can’t play him duren and wiseman meaningful minutes

  7. Celticsddtacct

    Having to come up with an Al replacement is going to fucking suck

  8. theyrehiding

    Beef Stew would be perfectttt. A 3rd big that can also start if he needs to. I’ve wanted him ever since the lebron thing lol

  9. JaylenBrownFlow

    would be a good fit and is not untouchable lol

  10. Hogo-Nano

    If he was like 30 then maybe theyd be fine trading him. But hes 22. No point in trading him even though they are in full rebuild mode. The trick is to find an older player on a tanking team. Those ones are usually available.

  11. polygonalopportunist

    That’s exactly the guy we need. Crazy with a capitol C. Rochester, NY streets.

  12. Jonny_Syphilis

    beef stew is a fantastic nickname

  13. LeftHandFree111

    I love Rob, but at some point we’re going to have to just admit that the guy is not durable. People just want to pretend that PAES doesn’t affect stamina or compensation injuries. I think at this point I might rather have two bigs who can stay on the floor than Rob even those his ceiling is higher.

    I wouldn’t want to use Rob in a trade for Stewart, but I’d use him in a trade to acquire another versatile big and a wing. Then put together a package for Stewart using some combination of Pritchard, Grant, Hauser, Kornet, Moose, etc. and picks. Stewart, plus another versatile big (Onkongwu, Allen, Claxton, etc.), plug a wing with grit, size and shooting and I might be able to live with parting with Rob. It would allow Al to play less minutes like he should be at this age and slide Kornet (or whatever big is left) into a spot in the rotation where he is probably better suited.

  14. coacoanutbenjamn

    The Pistons are loaded at center but Beef Stew and Duren are the only quality ones so it makes sense to try to go after Stewart and see if he could be available. Worth a shot

  15. ahighkid

    He does make sense for us. A nice rim running talent who can shoot corner 3s now and protect the rim. Big time rob insurance. I’m a huge beef stew guy

  16. PurpleTurle711

    Love this.

    I’d take any of their bigs: Bagley, Wiseman, Stewart, Duren any of them would be nice.

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