@Denver Nuggets

That Fireball burned Malone on its way down.

Malone was hilarious and just out of his mind lol

by Bignamek


  1. Michael Malone on 🔥 today! haha, so many classic moments. I had a shit ton of office work to do but I turned on NBA TV and said fuck it. I’m watching this whole goddamn thing. 

  2. crunk_alligator84

    Can’t believe he drinks the cheap stuff

  3. EnvironmentalNobody

    Real Frank Reynolds vibes with the face expressions plus standing next to Deandre

  4. Pristine_Athlete5819

    This has been one of the best days of my life 😆

  5. KnivesInMyCoffee

    Dude, that’s gotta hurt with how strained his entire throat probably is. Fireball has enough sugar to mask the taste of liquor, but liquor and cinnamon on a sore throat gotta feel like ass.

  6. Snow-Mac

    Fireball has had one of the most successful marketing campaigns I have ever witnessed. I swear I never knew about this stuff in college and like 6 months later everyone is drinking it.

    EDIT: Cos I had to look it up

    >In 2012 and 2013, the product had a surge in popularity, which the company achieved by using social media, cultivating bartenders, word of mouth, and a relatively small advertising budget.

  7. Friendly-Policy-7254

    He almost had the pukes. Almost. The next shot is gonna git him!

  8. MF_Jones_6172

    Great shot. Feel like I just did a shot with him.

  9. TWAndrewz

    That was not a small sip of fireball. Dude took a slug.

  10. RatLord445

    Thats what they all meant when they said “fire malone”? We got wizards in this sub

  11. RectalFetish

    Drunk crying Malone is almost better than drunk crying Bednar

  12. Johnykbr

    DAJ better be our new player/asst coach

  13. Garth_W00kz

    He’s just like me 😅

    Congrats to the Nuggets! What a special day 🍾

  14. DevourerJay

    Bloody hell, fireball is nasty…🤣
    Full disclosure, I don’t like cinnamon. 🤢

  15. radioclash39

    Not a professional lip reader, but it looks like he’s saying, “Oh my god, what the hell is this shit, wow…gag”

  16. flappypancaker

    Parade Malone is my favorite human being

  17. Equivalent_Ad8314

    Probably the best coach to drink with imo

  18. BenevolentNature

    These boys are really drinking fireball???

  19. Ahagar_

    shots of rakija will make you red also 😀

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