@Golden State Warriors

What is the end goal in making Kuminga go? If the problem is salary cap, shouldn’t someone with a big check leave? Give this man at least another year.

What is the end goal in making Kuminga go? If the problem is salary cap, shouldn’t someone with a big check leave? Give this man at least another year.

by Mrbeastfriend


  1. BeetLover1111

    I don’t think he’s going anywhere. I think everything that we heard the past week is a PR move.

  2. TooMuchDog89

    If he can’t help us compete for a chip this year he has to be traded for someone who can. We cant waste curry’s years in the league.

  3. abskiing403

    Narrative around Kuminga pouting is a bit overblown.

    he has been getting better over the time so it would be a mistake to trade, unless it is for one of the top 10 players in the league, who is likely not on the market.

  4. SG-2000

    Some people have been really consistent with it. Trade every young player and every future pick to win now with Steph. Usually without specifying who to trade them for…

    If you are on that train of thought, Kuminga makes a lot of sense because he has value. The only better trade chips are Curry, Looney, and Wiggins.

  5. Oh_no_bros

    Several possibilities come to mind

    * FO doing their due diligence and exploring all options. Report is overblown
    * Get a higher pick, then use it to trade for a contend now vet/star
    * They like Kuminga but behind the scenes feel like he can’t process the game well enough at the moment to handle the offensive/defensive schemes of the playoffs, and instead want someone like Black who has a very good intuition for the game (though he has to work on his shooting).
    * Far off but not impossible option – Gui has shown lots of promise as 6’8, 7’2 wingspan wing in the G-league and decent feel for the game, maybe they actually feel like he can play the Kuminga role?

    Don’t crucify me for the above, just throwing out possibilities.

  6. Ok-Roof-978

    This trade stuff has me perplexed !!

    Trade him to move up in the draft and pick another young player (project) to develop him. Then have Kerr sit him on the bench until he learns “championship basketball.” Makes ZERO sense to me.

    At least Kuminga is 2 years into his development. I’m hoping year 3 is where he makes the “leap”

  7. HankyTheCowdog

    The end goal in “making Kuminga go” is to get the biggest return in a trade. He is the highest-value movable piece. It is really that simple. And yes, he could be tied to someone with a larger paycheck (Poole or other) to make it more enticing as well.

    Another easy question is “Do you want Steph to win another Championship with the Warriors”. Everyone says yes.

    The complicated questions start when you try to move forward from that point. Do you use every tool to help Steph win here again, or just try to give him a decent shot? Is it better to save “potential” pieces that may take a few years, or move them immediately? Can Steph even win here again with the current pieces around him, and is anyone else (outside of Kuminga) being traded going to change that answer? Lots of questions.

  8. neo9027581673

    I believe the train of thought comes of MDJ who discovered Jordan Poole. Why trade your own discovery?

    So while I am 50-50 on Kuminga actually being traded, the whole point is to try and lure teams to bid on players like Poole, Moody, etc. Its stupid PR to not sell low on Poole.

  9. dburge22

    I think it’ll come back to bite them in the long run if they move him, but on the other hand, they’re in a win now and they have to do whatever it takes to make sure they keep that championship window open

  10. Tdluxon

    From what it sounds like it isn’t related to the salary cap, it’s more of an attitude issue/dispute over playing time.

  11. ggproductivity

    I personally would have drafted Franz, but it would be stupid to trade Kuminga before actually trying to integrate him into the team. He has made improvements over his last 2 years and he can kinda shoot. If he can generate closeouts (shooting well, but also shooting quickly enough, which is both having the confidence to shoot and his form), he will deserve 20+ mins a game and that will help him work out some of his other issues. The team needs to try and establish him as a shooting threat before moving on. Yeah, that can tank his value, but the gamble is worth it IMO.

    Kuminga’s salary isn’t high enough to do a real 1 for 1 “upgrade”, so they will have to bulk ship dudes out and I’m skeptical that there is a real trade out there that is a net positive for the team. If they ship Poole, they will need shot creation and Dinwiddie/Clarkson are the most obvious replacements, but both are on expiring contracts. I haven’t put near the level of thought into it as the actual executives, but I don’t see anything that sticks out.

  12. agaveFlotilla12

    If they really trade him I’d assume it was a locker room issue. He got yanked from the rotation faster than I could blink in that kings series

  13. KoRaZee

    JK is going to play huge minutes this year. Even if he’s 6 or 7 at the start of the year it is highly unlikely that Dray, Klay, Steph maintain their minutes. This includes injuries and more time off.

  14. Mmicb0b

    I think it’s a smoke screen simply because trading him for a guy who is just as raw as him makes no sense

  15. fuzzywuzzypete

    I’d think it would be delaying the payday a bit. Also there might be someone they are high on.

  16. Ohmeygaz

    The idea of moving Kuminga to pick up another prospect is definitely a head-scratcher but there are a couple things that come to mind in terms of why they’d consider doing it:

    1. If the warriors decide that they do not want to move any of their “Foundational 6” just yet, Kuminga basically becomes the only moveable piece to upgrade the roster.

    2. Perhaps the organization thinks that they can swap Kuminga for a young guy who fits better into the warriors scheme. Ausar Thompson gets compared a lot to Iggy and Anthony Black is a big guard who could slot in next to Steph and Klay or potentially be a solid backcourt piece next to Poole off the bench (takes the playmaking role while Poole focuses more on scoring).

    3. Kuminga is due for an extension within the next 2 years and if the warriors feel like they’d lose him for free or have to overpay to keep him, trading him allows them to reset that cheaper contract.

    4. Kuminga may want a trade because he doesn’t want to commit to the type of role the warriors would ask of him (basically he wants a bigger role than what the warriors would need from him rn).

    Those are just some thoughts that come to mind, but ultimately we won’t really know anything until draft day comes.

  17. djp1968

    There are a few possible answers, but cap savings isn’t realistically one of them.

    The obvious ones are:
    * Find a way to move him for someone who can help more today, conceding that Kuminga probably has better long term upside
    * Decide Kuminga’s frustrations aren’t going to go away given where we are as a franchise and where he is on his development curve. So move him to reset the clock with a new rookie contract and/or get someone more comfortable with their role

  18. dolphingarden

    He doesn’t fit with Draymond. His best upside is like a 20 min a game bench player in this roster.

  19. Thrillawill

    His ceiling is Aaron Gordon, and hes years away from reaching that. Ive got no problem with moving him for a better, older player who can help us win currently.

  20. JayDogon504

    Y’all really fucked up drafting him over Wagner. The owner needs to look in the mirror cuz he was one of the main ones wanting this dude instead of the more polished product who better fit the Warrior way

  21. sugarwax1

    If he’s sulking and a distraction, cutting their losses has value.

    Finding a role for his skills could prove too transformative to Kerr’s system. The reality is if you did magically get an MVP out of him, you would have to change the offense drastically. His success would be a mo’ money, mo’ problems thing.

    He wants the minutes now, and they want to keep players happy, and Kerr doesn’t want a demanding bench player that’s 20 years old.

    They see him filling out and maturing, but at the expense of mobility, speed, etc.

    They decide to cut losses on all their development projects, and treat them like assets, the way the vets wanted in the first place, or try again. That Bob was on the fence with all their picks, and they want a fresh start at the future.

    JK is going to get expensive. (I think this is the one. If he’s as good as we think he can be, they can’t afford him. Retaining him before he’s ready would mean two overpriced contracts on their books with players that need to grow into their deals. I think this is the most likely out of all of these).

    I’m for keeping him, these aren’t my thoughts, this is just a guess what the thinking is.

  22. screwbitfloor

    this dude thinks he’s way better than he actually is and acts like a premadonna. honestly not worth the headache. trade him and poole for someone decent.

  23. Legitimate-Debt7289


  24. pzavlaris

    I’ll bet it’s his attitude. When you join a championship team, there is a certain culture that has been proven. He seems to be impatient and frankly whiny. Kerr even said he doesn’t have the skill uet to play the 3 and he won’t rebound or get out in the break

  25. Grafaap

    Probably burned the bridges with Kerr and the older players when he started to complain during the play offs

  26. zdachmann

    I don’t think it’s worth talking about unless he actually gets traded. Young players being in constant trade rumors is just a normal part of the modern NBA. We have no idea what the Warriors’ plans for JK actually are. He’s clearly not *untouchable*, but we also can’t rule out the possibility that the Warriors would strongly prefer to keep him.

  27. The warriors play championship ball. If you aren’t willing to fall in line then yeah your ass will be outta here.. I’ll send Kuminga, Poole, and Moody to DC for Beal and Kristaps.. the money might not work but there’s ways around that

  28. TheTerribleInvestor

    Trading Kuminga will be a huge mistake. Kuminga could be a star, he has the eagerness to play, and a heart for the game. If you let him go you’re never going to get him back, he needs more playing time to develop though.

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