@Houston Rockets

Thompson twins playoff stats

The stats I keep seeing referenced for Amen and Ausar mostly seem to exclude the playoffs. Since the regular season was 15 games and the playoffs was 5 games, which were of course also the most recent 5 games, and the 5 games in which the twins played the most minutes due to being more competitive, it seems they’re significant enough to include when analyzing their stats.

Unfortunately, OTE’s website doesn’t make it easy to look at it this way, but the data is there, so I compiled it into a spreadsheet.

A few takeaways…
– Both twins improved 3P% and FT% during the playoffs, particularly Ausar.
– Amen drew a lot of fouls in these tight games.
– Ausar took a lot of 3’s in the playoffs.
– Amen’s rebounds and assists numbers spiked during the playoffs, while Ausar’s took a dip, presumably related to a more off-ball role hanging on the perimeter.

by BenchPointsChamp


  1. thefreedomjourney

    honestly Ausar is just as good as Amen, he just doesn’t fit the pg need for us as nicely since he didn’t play it much last 2 years

  2. thumper7

    Hard to make any substantial calls off such a small sample size, but we do that every season I guess!

  3. VeseliM

    Hope 60 wins in 3 years was worth 50-25-70 shooting splits.

    This sport needs relegation to punish bad owners instead the worst owner gets to 10x his team value and sell out. With Jordan selling, Tillman is on deck behind Dolan for worst owner

  4. nycmonkey

    I don’t like those free throw numbers as that’s the best predictor for 3pt shooting. Their form is also very, just “artificial” looking. We need chip engelland

  5. criisb13

    This is such a bad way to display comparative stats

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