@Philadelphia 76ers

[Grimm] From @TheSteinLine: “Some fresh hope, perhaps, if you’re rooting for James Harden to stay with the 76ers: There have been some rumbles this week that, despite the undeniably strong lure that a return to Houston holds for Harden, he is said to be giving renewed consideration..”

[Grimm] From @TheSteinLine: “Some fresh hope, perhaps, if you’re rooting for James Harden to stay with the 76ers: There have been some rumbles this week that, despite the undeniably strong lure that a return to Houston holds for Harden, he is said to be giving renewed consideration..”

by Prestigious-Rock201


  1. DemarcusLovin

    Shocker that he’s not going to Houston. No one could have seen that. /s

  2. jawntothefuture

    It’s been looking for a while that he will stay imo

  3. cpanati

    I understand the sense of feeling at home, or his family and businesses but he’s got a few years left. Feel like winning should be prioritized for him. Hope the number works in our favor.

  4. IndigoJacob

    I honestly hope we just pay Harden so he can stfu and ball. Quit worrying about your next contract, quit worrying about leverage, quit worrying about our coach being a fucking meme.

    Just take your bag and go out with a bang in Philly. I was really off-put when the rumors dropped around Christmas, because that showed me he already had his focus on things non-basketball related.

    He’ll back on a 3/140 deal and it will be his last chance to save his legacy.

  5. JoelEmbiidismyfather

    What Beal rumors will do to a guy.

  6. OctopiPie

    Idk why but when I think towards next season I can’t imagine it without harden.

    Him going back to Houston would be like KG going back to the wolves, it’d be admitting that this is it for him.

    For a player who just led the league in assists and had multiple 40 point games in the playoffs he’d be leaving a lot on the table to do that.

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