@Washington Wizards

Thanks for everything Bradley

Thanks for everything Bradley

by AccidentalRouse


  1. Dukelecker

    He won nothing while he was here. He was chronically injured and unavailable and then screwed the team on his way out. He’s a mercenary that shouldn’t be memorialized.

  2. pocketPAIRR

    As much as Beal failed us, more than that, the franchise failed Beal. The franchise wasted some of his best years. When him and Wall were running the backcourt we had a shot at conference finals if we had depth in the bench.

  3. DCStoolie

    Everyone here acting like Brad is the villain. We gave him the NTC and he took advantage. It doesn’t change shit that he gave this franchise his sweat blood and tears for years. It should’ve ended earlier but Brad tried to stay it through.

    Thank you Bradley Beal. I wish it ended differently but it didn’t. Time to move on was a while ago but I’m not mad it happened

  4. MrBuckBuck

    Thank you Bradley Beal.

    Too bad it had to end this way, but you got what you wanted.

    He had his moments with the Wizards, and we’ll cherish them forever.

    But now, times has come, in hope for something better in the future.

  5. Joshottas

    No one is gonna turn down 251m. I’ll NEVER fault brad for taking the money OR the stupid NTC that Tommy/Ted laid out. I really don’t have any ill will towards him, but his tenure here in DC will be forgotten by many in due time. Dude will never have the same relationship or love John Wall did with the city and fans.

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