@National Basketball Association

On 00:50:14 mark, Bill Simmons says “a reliable source informed me that Zion will no longer be on the Pelicans come Thursday”.

This is interesting as draft is gonna be this week and curious if Pels can land Scoot Henderson who they have been trying to covet. I am not sure what a Zion deal will look like but looks it’s gonna be fun to watch.

by KYRIE542


  1. SubZero_dot785

    Is the Bill Simmons podcast a good listen?

  2. YouTellMeBeavis

    Are you serious?? The Kings are one of the finalists to land him?

  3. Icy-Lime-9760

    Oh my, Simmons is pretty connected

  4. TallanoGoldDigger

    LaMelo throwing lobs to Zion soon enough

  5. tomdawg0022

    c’mon, Bill, spit out who you think is gonna land Zion….

  6. stone____

    I think its smart to trade him now but I’d be severely shocked if it actually happened

  7. likpoper

    Won’t be shocked if blazers. They need to swing for such thing for a shot with dame. Zion when healthy is as good as dame. Complementary style as well. Hopefully dame can lead him

  8. captainduck2

    Are the Pelicans changing their name?

  9. JurassicParkJanitor

    Obviously to the Kings…..right? RIGHT??

    I liked being good last year. I’m in withdrawals from good basketball news. Give a Kings fan a cookie and they will ask for a glass of beam.

  10. Modz-argh-DNC-Schill

    Caving to FOMO to break your reddit strike

    And y’all want labor rights?

  11. ObjectivePool2406

    Zion to NY for randle led package

  12. EddyTreeNJ

    If Zion is getting traded it seems to me it would have to be for the 2nd or 3rd pick in the draft. They are doing it for Scoot. I guess a third team could be involved. It is going to be interesting. I think because of the impact these big trades have that, we may find out before the draft.

  13. DrMaestus

    Trade to the Toronto for Siakam. Then thots get caught up at the border.

  14. legless_chair

    Crazy how they just kinda breezed past it too, not a lot of discussion about it

  15. Hollerino

    How does this affect Moriah’s legacy?

  16. SubcooledBoiling

    Please let this be true because I need that offseason drama

  17. opkpopfanboyv3

    Its time to move on

    This is exactly like when things wont work with you and your ex as long as you’re together

  18. Parking-Ninja7867

    Then his shitty podcasts spent the next two hours explaining how the celtics really would have won it all if they had only gotten to the finals instead of those teams that beat them.

  19. UnObtainium17

    He won’t be a Pelican anymore because Moriah Mills will use Moon-stone on him and evolve him into Snorlax.

  20. wk2coachella

    Zion’s A team of hoes on pins and needles as they find out where their next home is

  21. chomcham

    I just dont see how this is going to help any team with Zion. If he is injured another year or two.. I cant imagine him having any value at all. This guy has been on vacation since he joined the NBA.

  22. MacJokic

    I feel a trade for Zion is going to be very difficult due to the massive risk/reward disbalance. Pelicans are going to want a haul based on his numbers when he plays but nobody sane is going to give a ransom for a guy who can’t stay on the floor. Blazers make most sense I guess due to the 3rd pick and the fact they want to compete. But I would be very scared that Zion becomes the next in line after Oden and Roy for them.

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