@Toronto Raptors

The Raptors Dropped A Major Hint About The Future Of Their Roster!

I will be discussing the latest news surrounding the Raptors. There was some news about the Raptors today and what they may do with this roster moving forward. I will be discussing my thoughts on this and if this is the right decision moving forward. There were some others news regarding Og Anunoby and the Blazers 3rd pick which the Raptor’s have been rumored to want.


  1. I get what you’re saying but OG is a free agent next season. If Fred and Trent bolts there’s no way you can afford to keep losing assets for nothing and build a winning team. I mean since Kawhi left we’ve lost Serge, Green, Gasol, possibly Fred, Gary and what could be OG next season for nothing ? You just can’t afford to lose that many players to free agency for nothing. That’s grounds for a firing. This raptors group is just no enjoyable to watch and that’s the problem. It’s a very unattractive style of basketball and I think that’s a major reason why some fans want to rebuild or retool. It’s like having zach randolph as your star player. Sure he was good in his prime but he played a boring style of basketball and I think this why a lot raptors fan just sick of this core.

  2. If we run this thing back with 0 moves and we fail next season, masai. Hes gonna deserve alot of criticism now. To get this team more depth or to become more well rounded of a team we need to trade a peice from our core. Personally, i would move up in the draft by trading pascal. This would open up space for scottie and og to excel on offense.

  3. FVV is the one that needs to go to change the dynamic. He was an inefficient ball hog ! In this NBA the ball has to move to get it to the rim or get that good shoot. It is a shot at NN who wouldn't developed the younger player any longer ! The Raptors need to develop consistent shooting now that we have a couple of true centres.

  4. 30 million dollars for Fred , no way !!!! A contract like that will set the Raptors back big time .

  5. O.G. is the glue guy for the Raptors if they let him be that on defense especially and can be for offense.

  6. Lets just take Fred, GTJ and Jak out the equation, we should start shopping around Pascal for draft collateral now and go you g running or back only means Play-ins, first round exit and living of a Miami Heat story and no we dont have a Jimmy Butler and yes every other team just like the Raptors are looking to get better. Everyday more fans are getting anxious to see a player from the core get moved fro that 2nd or 3rd pick and we want a pair of Scoot and Scottie headline games by next season the fans need excitement again in the Arena …. Doesn’t make sense to trade OG when every team needs an OG especially when hes only 25 trade Pascal hes 30 years of age he had a good run with the Raptors

  7. i understand the point of what you're saying, but this team is not built to contend or develop properly. we are too top heavy, the top guys(fred and siakam), along with most of our bench is not young enough to develop but are also not in optimal prime years of their careers. i know most fans do not want to see our guys go, but we're headed into a position of mediocrity in the nba, which means we'll have similar seasons moving forward with this group with little to no success in the post season(if we managed to get there). being a raptors fan who has loved watching their games despite the mediocrity this season and whatever happened the two prior, i want changes to happen. I want this team to get younger and be in a healthy position to develop the guys who have talent and let our best guys go to teams who will be contending. I want Scoot, i want whoever we draft at pick 13 and I want to see Scottie become the best version of himself and its not happening on the current roster or with whoever they don't move in this off season. We need draft capital, and we need a promising future which i don't think we have right now

  8. We keep everyone but Fred. It wasn't just NN. Those 2 been a cancer on this team y'all just didn't get all the behind the scenes stuff.

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