@New York Knicks

The Price for Zach Lavine Seems Not That Bad



RJ Barrett, Derrick Rose, 1 protected pick and 1 unprotected pick satisfies all the requirements listed here.


by JonnyGBuckets


  1. doublea94

    As much as I like RJ, if we can pretty much just flip him for lavine while keeping our depth I’m for it.

  2. beanie_mac

    I would sign up for that immediately. I would even make both FRPs unprotected if that would get the deal across the finish line.

  3. TheSasukeDive

    As long as we keep Grimes and that unprotected 1st is immediate like 24 or 25. I have no gripes

  4. Aaaaaaandyy

    I’d take that in a heartbeat. Keeping Grimes would help a lot with the defense while Lavine helps tremendously with the offense and 3 point shooting.

  5. LeonRoseSignsMVP

    If that’s the offer, we should take it and run

  6. Sparrow_Wilson

    You’d think someone would outbid us but I’d be all over that trade

  7. Snuggle__Monster

    I think you make a move like that you have to have a plan some supplemental moves after to bolster the roster because your core group is now all late 20’s and contracts are up in their early 30’s when harder decisions need to be made. You’re definitely in concrete win now.

  8. colmatrix33

    I saw a lot of growth and potential from RJ in these playoffs. He rose to the occasion and played great under the brightest lights. I’d say keep the guy around and see if it can keep going. He has the potential to be better than Lavine.

  9. Zealousideal_Ad1734

    Lavine is cheeks. I believe in RJ and I want to see him keep developing. Some of y’all have no patience

  10. Duck_God69

    I’d do RJ+Obi+DRose+2024 Dallas+2025 unprotected+2027 top 8 protected in a heartbeat

  11. patrickthunnus

    Talent good, fit bad.

    Salary (5 yrs, $215m) and injury history very bad.

    Basically he’s a #3 player but paid like #1 or 2.

  12. CrossingYoulnStyle

    I would do this Zach gives us shot creating and spacing and we would keep our depth with this deal

  13. Hot-Turnover4883

    The homers are gonna say “don’t give up on RJ” but Rowan will never reach Lavine’s level.

  14. ihasweenis

    Yes get him in! Seems like a better alternative to Jaylen brown and incredible volume scorer of which we definitely need. Not great on defence but Thibs has made players like D Rose look like all nba defence calibre players, and with grimes and hart we can always plant him on someone who’s not very effective on offence, especially since his size isn’t bad which makes him fairly switchable. The number one thing we needed in the playoffs was a player who could heat up not named Jalen Brunson, and Lavine is just that. Do this trade, make sure to keep grimes.

  15. det8924

    Pass on Lavine even if the cost is RJ and minimal assets. I just would honestly rather hold the assets and RJ instead of taking on a massive contract for a 29 year old whose had some knee issues. After next season I can see Lavines contract being one of the worst in the league in the next year or two.

    I would only take on the deal if all I am just giving up rose and Fournier and not much else


    Lavine’s trade kicker means he will have a player option for 2026-27 for $56.3M.

    I want everyone who wants this trade to remember that you asked for it when he’s 31 and opts in to that.

  17. I just don’t want to trade RJ. Not rational at all just sentimental, I hope before he’s moved he makes the FO feel he’s untouchable (long shot atm)

    But sentiments aside, having Lavine instead of RJ this year we would have 100% been a better team there is no doubt in my mind

  18. Imma still root for RJ on the Bulls if this happens but if this the price for LaVine than I’d say go for it.

    Would probably work for both sides too since the Bulls wanna get younger

  19. melomuffin

    No wayyy. RJ has done more in the playoffs already than Zach Lavine has his whole career!

  20. If that’s all it costs then we better jump on it

  21. vistaprank

    I wouldn’t be mad at a trade for Zach. My thought is that what would we do about the 3? I feel like RJ is the best for that spot that we have right now. I do feel like the ship has kinda sailed on RJ though I would happily want him to prove that wrong. But my train of thought is can Zach give us enough to at least compete in a conference finals? … I lean yes but not sure.

  22. T-Bills

    > The Price for Zach Lavine Seems Not That Bad

    If you ignore the fact that this guy is making $45M on average for 4 more years then I guess.

  23. TomGNYC

    i think, from a team-building perspective, a Brunson Lavine backcourt isn’t going to work, for the same reason Beal didn’t work. I think you have to pair Brunson with a big, strong point-of-attack defender. Zack is just too poor of a defender. The knee is also an issue.

  24. Jimm120

    Lavine is another Randle. Lavine/Randle are in that Vucevic/Wally Serzbiac/VinBaker/Zach Randolph/Markannen.


    Players that are very good and have those 1 to 3 all-star seasons but outside of that are simply “really damn good but not quite there”.


    IMO, I don’t feel we need that to take the next step/ We already have Randle. Brunson seems to be on the way up, but you never know.

    We need a real #1 or #2 that will allow Randle to be the #3 on occassion and RJ #4.

    If Randle or RJ are used in the trade, then that means it’d be
    New player#1/Brunson #2/Randle#3
    Newplayer #1/Brunons#2/RJ #3

  25. TacomaTuesdays2022

    Keep away from Lavine, KAT, and any overpaid player who doesn’t play defense. I rather keep IQ at a much lesser price who plays defense along with Grimes and RJ. The Knicks need to do the right thing and trade Randle to a western conference team while he still has some value. He fits with the Kings so a trade for Monk, and Huerter can help our offense. Find a trade partner for Fournier. Resign Hart for the right price.

  26. AlphakirA

    I’d do it, but mannnnn his injury history or worry scares me. 5 years older, injury concerns, and 15 mil more. Oof. His talent is unquestionable, but I hope that’s only 1 of 2 or 3 moves if this happens.

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