@Los Angeles Clippers

Marcus Morris Sr. Appreciation Thread [No Hate]

Marcus Morris Sr. Appreciation Thread [No Hate]

by BillRuddickJrPhd


  1. alexil25

    Bro was so good the first year or 2 with us but maybe my memory is foggy

  2. BillRuddickJrPhd

    Great shot creator, great shooter until lately, great locker room guy. He had huge moments and won games for us. While I strongly disagreed with how and when Lue used him and thought he should be traded for someone who is a better fit, I always respected him and his game.

  3. When Mook came in he was amazing for us, it’s sad that the last part of his stint with us overshadows everything. Hope he does well with the Wizards.

  4. neurotoxiq

    The guy ate up a ton of regular season minutes to give Kawhi and PG rest. Looked like it was going to pay off this year before Kawhi and PG went down again right at the end. Wish it actually resulted in something but not much you can do with Jason Powell in charge of the teams health. Thanks Mook!

  5. ImOnlyHalfAlive

    Was super hyped when they got him back in early 2020 I think? Shame how badly he fell off, but he had some great games for us. Dude would hit some crazy contested 3s.

  6. UrDadsFave

    Mook had nuthuggers. I was one of them. It was time to lay the big dawg down.

  7. ElDuderino_92

    The man played like he had a board on his back, but when we needed a dawg, he was there.

  8. NovaxRangerx

    He had a terrible last few seasons but that first 1 1/2 years with us were legit special


    Appreciated you mook, but it was time to go, we will appreciate you for (kinda) holding up the fort when PG and Kawhi were out injured in the 21-22 season

  10. Dangerous_Ad_7078

    When the dust settles and we look back, this guy was a major contributor to the furthest this franchise has ever made it. Respect MOOK.

  11. LessThanBlake

    It obviously didn’t end well but Mook was a big part of the team. He seems to have been respected in the locker room, he didn’t complain when he unfairly was asked to be 1B alongside Reggie two seasons ago, and had his playoff moments. Wishing him well

  12. GibbsYeetem

    Lates to our most consistent 3 shooter when contested not when wide open

  13. helomynameiss

    4th best player after kawhi pg & reggie in the ‘21 playoffs.

    bye guy


    Nobody was better at hitting closely contested 3s.


  15. MothershipConnection

    He put up points in the regular season when we needed it cause Kawhi or PG were out

    He willingly took on tough defensive matchups even when he was overmatched which saved energy/fouls for our better defenders. Sometimes he was an effective troll.

    So, I wish him the best

  16. buyanisland

    Genuinely the second best player on the bubble team, he tried his best, just got old. Still got love for mook tho.

  17. Monorailsalesperson

    Bro got us Brogdon, mad props!

  18. chipforclips23

    Got to remember the good times, there was no question he gracefully took a role as a third option, espically after his little run with the Knicks…and unless we win a chip, the picture of him and 213 will still be the defining moment of the 213 era.

  19. edge-hog

    Marcus had a slick jump shot. I could watch him make it over and over again.

  20. I’ll always have a soft spot for Sr. Him and Reggie carried the clips two years ago when stars were hurt and also Sr was huge in that game 7 win against the Mavs.

  21. SneaKyHooks

    It was a shame to see his downfall but Mook was a beast and really came through for us when he was in his high moments, especially in POs when OG wouldn’t show up.

  22. TamilCholan

    One of the guys that made clippers look like absolute scums along with Beverly and Trez

  23. Kame_Yama

    Thank you for contributing to one of the hardest photos of this era : the PH/Kawhi/Morris stare down when Kleiber got postered

  24. Dude was solid for the team. He didn’t deserve all the hate he got. He had a bad season, which happens. I for one hope he balls out in Washington. Thanks Mook!

  25. dkdc2023

    I went to the 2021 game 7 vs the mavs and he put on a show from 3, best clippers game I’ve seen. I was wearing clips gear out that morning and a mavs fan approached me and said “you know you’re gonna lose right?” Thank you Marcus for ruining his day

  26. Gay1SinceDay1

    I will always wonder if the pandemic didn’t happen if we would have taken it that year. Mook was geling with the rest of the team so well before that sudden season stop. Thank you for the good times!

  27. besttotop

    Yeah,No matter what, Thank you Morris .

  28. AyBoogie

    Mook was a sniper in his first couple seasons with us. His fall away from the middy, triple threat and contested 3 game was automatic. Thanks for your service.

  29. Complete-Macaroon-16

    He’s a shooter on 2k 😤

  30. tdrip25

    Bro gave it his all in the 2022 season tryna carry and the minutes accumulation made him bad this year

  31. Upset_Purchase_5903

    Mook hit some huge fucking shots for us in the playoffs against Dallas and Utah. He was a clear starter for us up until this last year. Unfortunately that defense just dropped off a cliff and the shooting stopped falling. But damn, he was one of those guys where you’d feel better with him taking a contested 3 versus a wide open one haha, that’s how good of a shot maker he was.

    I wish him the best in Washington 🔥

  32. BoozeGetsMeThrough

    Dude has the cutest kid who loved watching his dad play

  33. standardinternetdude

    I will always appreciate that he was completely and totally unafraid to shoot. Sometimes, it led to sub-optimal shots, but you don’t get the playoff contributions on the way to WCF without that fearlessness.

    Hope he kills it in WAS.

  34. armored_blu

    Never afraid to shoot over anybody!

    Thanks Mook!

  35. Thankful for his game 7 against the Mavs in 2021.

  36. alwaysneverjoshin

    We would never have beat the Mavs without him

  37. Ok-Essay458

    Fuck the haters, they got insufferable this season. Mook gave us plenty of good stuff, his legs have just gotten old. Way too much hate and unfounded speculation about things like his attitude.

    Thanks Marcus, very happy to have had you.

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