@Portland Trail Blazers

Should we throw in this guy to boost our trade values this off-season?

Should we throw in this guy to boost our trade values this off-season?

by sahand_n9


  1. lurking_enthusiast

    negative value. would have to package a 2nd round pick to get rid of him

  2. Hayduke_in_AK

    This was a good concept of a mascot that was poorly executed. They should have made him look like a hipster Harry and people would have fallen in love.

  3. hobo888

    maybe that’s why we haven’t made a trade, Blazers keep trying to package him with the 3rd and everyone is refusing

  4. aidenw0

    Instant jump scare as soon as I opened this app

  5. ohnoohnoohyeah

    I heard that if you take Doug Fur’s mask off it’s actually Roboduck from Oregon.

  6. 6tallcanz

    This abomination can be the mascot for the g-league team. Maybe it’ll scare players into playing their way into the NBA.

  7. Maclanethurston

    God damn ! Totally forgot about that freak. Fuck!

  8. OG_Kazaam

    I still like this hairy fool, I do not care what anyone thinks lol

  9. Radiant-Poet-7246

    Should throw him in the Willamete River

  10. Give_me_soup

    Throw into the steaming crater on mt st Helens? Ya

  11. RepresentativeDue967

    Saddly knownone probley wants him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)!

  12. ButtholeMegaphone

    Trade him for the Ford prize blimp, straight up.

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