@Los Angeles Lakers

Report: Lakers turned down trade offers from several teams before making prudent draft decision

Report: Lakers turned down trade offers from several teams before making prudent draft decision

by junahn


  1. FrankBreauxx

    Jesse mustā€™ve really saw something in JHS. In Jesse We Trust!!!

  2. thehanssassin

    Keep our young core. The future lies in the hands of AR, Rui, Vando, Christie, JHS, Lewis, and Colin.

  3. Brokenbullet14

    Without knowing what they turned down this is useless

  4. CabbageStockExchange

    Would help if we knew what these packages were that were turned down. Very curious

  5. Teams probably tried to shaft us as they always do.

  6. Splittinghairs7

    Lmao without knowing exactly what was offered and without knowing how Jalen HS will turnout, prematurely calling this a prudent decision is just a meaningless fluff piece.

  7. MrAppleSpoink

    I really like how the draft played out. We got a guard who can ACTUALLY THROW A FUCKING ENTRY PASS FOR ONCE, a living breathing bucket in Lewis with defensive upside (heā€™s been criticized for commitment on that end, which is exactly what every single one of our diamonds in the rough get criticized for before they get here), a big man who can pass like nobodyā€™s business and has solid defensive potential (could be a better defensive version of Mason Plumlee), and a rim smashing dunker in Fudge.

    JHS might notā€™ve been a sexy pick at 17 but heā€™s really solid.

  8. hansislegend

    Jovan Buhaā€¦

    ā€œAfter fielding calls and weighing potential trade offers with multiple teams, they ultimately valued the opportunity to select the guard out of Indiana University, who they had expected to go earlier in the draft,ā€ Buha wrote. ā€œHe is their highest pick since they selected Lonzo Ball at No. 2 in 2017.ā€

    This dude could straight up be replaced by AI and no one would notice.

  9. motorboat_mcgee

    Considering some of the trades that ‘fans’ want us to do with our picks, I’m glad the Lakers are being prudent

  10. retrograderevolution

    We wonā€™t know how prudent it is until the season

  11. LongBeachBr0

    Was trading the pick our best opportunity to build a championship roster? We donā€™t have the money for the top free agents.

  12. LAlakers4life


  13. dreezyyyy

    People on this sub are so obsessed with trading our already scarce assets away for a 2 year window. At least in the pre-Lebron era we had very high draft picks and assets to at least attract Lebron and trade for AD. Itā€™s like yā€™all canā€™t realize that FAā€™s donā€™t come here when weā€™re shit and that a rebuilding process without any assets will be decade+ long.

  14. smnlfilmagoofymovie

    Iā€™m really glad we didnā€™t trade the picks

  15. El_Chile_Amarillo

    They was imposing them lakers tax. Thatā€™s why we turned it down

  16. yeaaamon17

    Jesse buss really wanted him. Wanted him over trading it so I gotta trust him

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