@Houston Rockets

[Gatlin] Asked Amen Thompson about the Rockets-Pistons rivalry and how that will grow with him and Ausar: “We need a rivalry with the whole league, we’re trying to beat everybody. We’re not trying to have no friends.”

[Gatlin] Asked Amen Thompson about the Rockets-Pistons rivalry and how that will grow with him and Ausar: “We need a rivalry with the whole league, we’re trying to beat everybody. We’re not trying to have no friends.”

by ST012Mi


  1. _s0lace_

    I’m sorry but Detroit is a level beneath us

  2. Baketan

    Amen try not to give a banger quote challenge (physically impossible) (failed instantly)

    But fr, bro got drafted not a day ago and already sounding like a vet, if he’s up to his word I think Amen could be a real leader on this team.

  3. PapaKazoonta

    Best to let others think of the Rockets living rent free not paycheck to paycheck like Jalena’s Defense.

  4. Anibunnymilli

    Amen Thompson is my new favorite person

  5. EternalRgret

    Man, this guy is something else. Can’t wait to see him play. I sure hope he’s a man of his word and not just a very good PR-talker.

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