@Los Angeles Lakers

Wake up babe, Lakers new undrafted white boy just dropped πŸ‘€

Wake up babe, Lakers new undrafted white boy just dropped πŸ‘€

by ratataouille


  1. Away_Ad2468

    Give me Castleton on a 2 way over $34M for Tingus Pingus any day

  2. FatherHaz


    Bron rn

  3. Awesomefan09

    I forgot how yoked Caruso is. Does Castleton have the body frame to become a wall of muscle?

  4. NikeNickCee

    It’s crazy(but not because of market) that we’re becoming the best undrafted pathway for guys now. We’re always looked at as star chasers but not as the draft jedis we are

  5. Watched some highlights. Not much offensively, but has soft hands for catching passes and finishing around the rim. Uses his feet well down low. A bit of a post game, but I’m not sure that translates to todays NBA. His strength is setting good screens and rolling to the basket well. I can see him meshing well with a pick and roll specialist like JHS in Summer League. Mid range is okay, but at least he can pop. Lanky, but could get pushed around by more physical players.

    I was more impressive with him defensively and on the boards. Very active on the offensive glass giving himself or team second chance points. When switching on screens, he moves his feet very well and can keep up with quick guards.

  6. Subject_Gene_9775

    So other teams were calling him in the 2R asking if he would take a 2RP but sign for 2 way?

  7. the-big-aa

    OP must’ve thought it was White Boy Day!

    …it ain’t White Boy Day is it?

  8. rpasillas

    Undrafted White Boy is my new band name.

  9. LingDaKingofXing

    I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking this! I legit have a co-worker who started calling Castleton “The White Knight” as a soon as we signed him lmao

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