@Orlando Magic

Bill Simmons & Kevin O’Connor both have Magic as the loser of the night

Seems like the national narrative is the same in general as this sub. Lots of confusion on why we didn’t draft (what we think) are impact players when the goal is to improve now. Thoughts?

Mine are this is the beginning of the end of WeltHam’s tenure or perceived genius across the league.

by chalkbro


  1. thewrongnotes

    People rag on KOC, but he at least does his research when it comes to the draft.

    Bill doesn’t have a fucking clue and is easily swayed by a random clip he saw on social media, or what one of his minions told him.

    Whether you like our picks or not, the approval of these guys means little to nothing.

  2. rustystatic

    >Seems like the national narrative is the same in general as this sub. **Lots of confusion on why we didn’t draft (what we think) are impact players when the goal is to improve now.** Thoughts?

    That is not the narrative on this sub…

  3. StPatrick174

    I think a lot of draft loser talk from the media comes from that Gradey Dick to us at 11 was consensus that when we didn’t take him it made thousands of mock drafts and hours of podcasts look dumb.

  4. resincak

    Bill can eat a dick. His own. Fuck him.

  5. estuhbawn

    who cares? lmao both of them are bozos relative to people that actually know ball.

    like KOC is a fucking elon super fan and bill’s been washed for like 8 years lol we really don’t need their validation

  6. Hardwork407

    Lol right, and the Wizards drafted the 2023 version of Javaris Crittenton (minus the homicide). Dude literally rode Wemby’s coat tail to a top 10 pick, and we lost the draft because we didn’t draft who they said we should’ve drafted? 🫠

  7. UTPharm2012

    I mean it is hard to disagree that the narrative is we didn’t take advantage of our two picks to fill weaknesses. We need shooting and could have gotten Hendricks and Dick. I guess long term I understand Black > Hendricks and clearly we just preferred Howard… but I think a lot of us would go on record that we would be even better next year with Hendricks/Dick over Black/Howard. I hope we are wrong.

    Ultimately, coming out with those two players is a good night and we improved. Not a loss at all. So the Ringer can Suggs my dick.

  8. I actually like Bill Simmons a lot. I’ve been reading his draft diaries from the past. He is comically horrible at evaluating draft picks. He said Yao Ming would bust instantly, trashed us for Dwight over Okafor, made fun of OKC for picking Harden over Rubio, just to name a few. Point is, I won’t lose any sleep over his and KOCs analysis.

  9. itssexitime

    I think its mainly because the Magic had 2 lottery picks and people expected them to make moves to package the picks in a trade or make a bigger splash and add shooting around Paolo and Franz. Also Jett was a reach at 11 and Black can’t shoot. Jett can shoot fairly well from 3, but he’s not exactly the most efficient player either to where most people outside of orlando are saying “yes nice reach on that guy, he could be something”

    So a casual like Simmons is going to say “great, a crap shooting team drafts a non shooter and then reaches on pick 11” and thats how they evaluate.

    Nobody really knows how it will go, but Weltman is not exactly the greatest drafter in the world so people aren’t just going to throw blind faith at him.

  10. BenAustinRock

    These are the same guys who loved Mario Hezonia and Mo Bamba. The draft is a bit of a crap shoot.

  11. przec13r

    They should upload this pic to r/roastme

  12. jarethcutestory

    CBS and through the wire guys loved our picks.

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