@National Basketball Association

[Marcus Smart] Goodbyes are hard. But the future is exciting.

Marcus Smart posted this farewell message to his Instagram and Twitter


Text in the image:
> Where do I even begin…as I start to think about the last 9 years I have a lot of emotions running thru me. I came to Boston as a naive kid from Dallas not really knowing what to expect. All I knew was the type of work ethic my momma instilled in me and I was going to work my ass off and make sure I EARNED the respect of each and every one of the fans in Boston. Which is why this was tuff. Boston, you are a very special place to me. I grew up here and met some of my best friends here. I’ll never forget my time here. Ultimately we didn’t get that 18th banner but I’m VERY VERY proud of the success we had. I’m going to miss so many things about Boston but mainly my teammates, fans, and kids and our hospital charity work. It was a great 9 years Boston, thank you for all the love…but now it’s time to look forward.

> I can’t wait to get to Memphis and get started. We have something special brewing here! Am blessed to be a part of Grizzly nation. Let’s get to work. šŸ’ŖšŸ¾

by Brady331


  1. GovernmentDoingStuff

    God Memphis is going to be annoying next year. Every bucket will feel like a marathon

  2. If he looks anything like last year memphis won the trade

  3. MediocreTake

    They treated my boy like he was Ime Udoka fresh from a night out with the water boyā€™s wife

  4. RapsareChamps_Suckit

    The future is anxiety for me

  5. GGezpzMuppy

    Boston fans crying rather than been pissed off shows that they like the trade more than they are upset at losing Marcus. Great trade for both teams.

  6. Waikuku3

    He will be very very missed by Celtics because of his defensive identity and the tone he set every night

  7. marsexpresshydra

    bruh not now, a russian civil war might be starting

  8. I_Set_3_Alarms

    Love you Marcus. Literally the perfect Brooks upgrade and PG place holder for Memphis

  9. Party-Ad-7077

    I donā€™t understand this trade from bostons perspective anyways fuck Dillon brooks

  10. ItsN0tTheB0at

    this super fucking sucks… I would rather lose with Smart than win without him

  11. Dont_Doomie_Like_Dat

    Makes me so sad. That was the first NBA draft I ever tuned in for. Thanks for everything Marcus. See ya around.

  12. pototoykomaliit

    Grizzlies just needs a Marc Gasol Jr. and itā€™s 2010s again!

  13. luvvdmycat

    >Goodbyes are hard.

    Not this one. Smart’s ego and selfishness hurt the Celtics. We are ecstatic he’s gone.

    >But the future is exciting.

    Yes it is. No more Smart dumb shots, turnovers, flops, and temper tantrums.

  14. Tracy140

    Celtics traded away the only guy w real heart and hustle on their team – now they will be a even softer lol

  15. Kay-Knox

    >type of work ethic my momma instilled in me and I was going to work my ass off and make sure I EARNED the respect

    “Alright son, hard work is about dedication, determination, and whipping your neck to the ground every time someone comes within six inches of you.”

  16. ASweetSaltySanchez

    This is gonna turn into grit and grint 2.0

  17. HashPat1

    still a shock trade for me. Boston is Ruthless.

  18. Hupsdad

    This is good news. The better news is that GG Jackson is gonna be an All Star.

  19. Marcus smart should be very grateful for the contract Boston gave him. He will not have another contract this large for the rest of his career most likely.

  20. Neltrix

    Good luck Marcus. We wonā€™t miss you in the East

  21. eekbarbaderkle

    If this Celtics core wins a championship, I vote that we just give Smart a ring as well.

  22. ParsnipPizza

    Beloved, first to the floor Celtic. I trust Brad and the brain trust enough that this’ll work, but what a player to be giving up. He should drink for free in Boston for a long long time

  23. ClutchGamingGuy

    bro aint winning shit in Memphis

  24. AffectionateStep5001

    He did well for the Celtics over the years, unfortunately trades are part of the business but Iā€™m sure heā€™ll slowly become accustomed to his new team

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