@National Basketball Association

Kevin Durant hops into a Twitter space called “KD is not top 5”


“KD really hopped into a Twitter Spaces called “Kevin Durant is not top 5” 😅

(via @LegendOfWinning)”

Durant called out how the space’s host consumes the game, and said the top players lists don’t matter.

Legacy points added for KD.

by IMKudaimi123


  1. fieryscribe

    We live in a world where it’s easier to summon KD than an actual human customer service agent

  2. im____new____here

    he’s right, what other team sport do we spend even 1/10 of the energy constantly re-ranking every player from 1-10 based mostly on how they have performed in the last two weeks.

  3. frumbledown

    KD is a shit poster in an NBA legend’s body

  4. ISeeHorses

    It mattered enough for him to join that Twitter Space.

  5. Damn KD really gotta get into wine tasting or something. There’s gotta be a more fun hobby for him than arguing with teenagers on twitter

  6. teloitteanddouche

    is that Flynn Rider as his profile picture?

  7. ChorizoMountain

    Next step: some r/nba nephew creates a Twitter space called MJ is not the GOAT and see if we can get MJ to show

  8. JurgenFlippers

    Legend of winning is one of the shittiest accounts that discusses basketball online I am so happy KD hopped in to basically say what you do does not matter.

  9. Solid-Confidence-966

    Man when KD is retires he’s going to be all over podcasts defending his legacy lol

  10. valiidiix

    That didn’t have shit to say once he hopped in lmao

  11. Silent_genuis

    The host of the space was just confusing everyone, some people shouldn’t have a platform

  12. achyutthegoat

    Ngl they actually had a good basketball discussion

  13. 1997Zeph

    It ain’t everyday you get to talk directly to someone who’s known by millions of people. Who gives af if KD is chronically online. I’d like if NBA players shit post more actually.

    Imagine if MJ tweeted “No one will *ever* be better than me at basketball” ??? I feel like the only reason he wouldn’t is because it could legit hurt the credibility of the league to hear it come directly from him. But you just *know* he still thinks it.

  14. RichardIraVos

    This is what a basketball god with hundreds of millions of dollars does in his free time

  15. nutsygenius

    KD needs to have an official reddit account. Just tell him to use the old reddit though so he’ll find it easier lol

  16. sonnylarson

    I think it’s awesome, KD is just like us, he will absolutely jump in and out shitpost you, strikes me as a guy who has posted on /r/nbacirclejerk without us knowing tbh

  17. achyutthegoat

    KD has the best personality in the nba

  18. rya22222

    what is this dude doing searching for twitter spaces lmaoo

  19. spotty15

    I respect KD for pulling up

    Had homeboy saying “I agree” 😂💀

    Clowns. All shook once KD entered the chat. And it’s even better that KD has that profile pic too lol

  20. crassreductionist

    nothing gets /r/nba nephews madder than kd having some fun on twitter, genuinely some soft people here

  21. lxkandel06

    You could tell LOW was starstruck and didn’t know what to say lol

  22. GooseMay0

    The top list doesn’t matter to him yet there he is, in that space complaining about it.

  23. dirkslance

    Twitter has “spaces”? Why the hell didn’t they call them Nests?

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