@Milwaukee Bucks

What are your expectations for the Milwaukee Bucks in the 2023/2024 Season?

Hello Bucks fans!

I’m a huge sports and statistics fan so I was interested in starting a project where I could keep track of all fans’ perceptions of their team.

Now I know many things can influence a teams success which is why I’m going to collect this information during these pivotal moments of the season.

\-After the Draft

\-The Start of the Season

\-After the Trade Deadline

\- At the start of the playoffs (where hopefully your team will be at the end of this season)

This way we can compare how the front office’s decisions affect the hopes of fan bases as well as player development and injuries.

It will also be fun to see what teams are most hopeful, most accurate, or what teams will be the most shattered by the surprises which sports has in store for us.

I will be gathering up these results in this google sheet so feel free to check it out for yourself if you want to see the results from other fanbases for yourself! [\_5lSgeop\_yz5F55NO7LQIbXZRomIsPD8XvAH0QA/edit?usp=sharing](

If you have any questions or suggestions for this project I hope you let me know and I’m looking forward to seeing a nice civil debate in the comments bellow 😉

Thank you guys for your participation and best of luck to your team and let’s hope for a low injury season for all!

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by Philadelphia_Rockets

1 Comment

  1. esteban-was-eaten

    Same as every year, bucks in six

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