@Boston Celtics

I’m not sure people fully understand how crazy these stats are

I’m not sure people fully understand how crazy these stats are

by Drizzlybear0


  1. Drizzlybear0

    KP had some truly crazy offensive stats last year ESPECIALLY in his Pick and Roll and Post up game.

    Him and Tatum are going to put up NUMBERS in a pick and roll and if Jaylen can work on his playmaking he should have an INCREDIBLY easy time getting to the basket with deeper pick and rolls in the mid range from KP.

    This truly could unlock multiple offensive options for both the Jay’s and Derrick as well. If the Unicorn can stay fully healthy the offense we can run is going to be VERY difficult to defend unless a team has multiple quick defenders with size and even than I’m not sure much you can slow the team down if Tatum takes another jump as a playmaker

  2. ThanosIsDoomfist

    To all the people who somehow doubt he can keep this up too (besides joining what will 100% be the best offense hes ever been a part of), you guys really dont understand the age of prime in the NBA.

    Its pretty much historically backed up that prime ages in the NBA start around 27, and end around 33. Zinger turned 27 last season, then proceeded to play his best season yet.

    This is *why* what JB and JT has accomplished is so special, because the two of them have looked so good throughout the years despite hitting their “wall” of development that typically happens at those ages. Say what you want about JBs performances (im fairly certain he played hurt, but he looked great the previous year), but from season to season *he has* improved his game, so has JT.

    And I expect them both to make another leap in some way next season. Its totally possible that Zinger does too considering he’ll be surrounded by an overwhelming amount of defensive/offensive/coaching talent in comparison to his former teams.

  3. LarBrd33

    If you’re just looking at advanced stats, it paints a pretty clear picture that a healthy Porzingis is the 2nd best player on the Celtics.

    He can make a huge impact if his body doesn’t randomly implode mid-season like an OceanGate submersible.

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