@New York Knicks

According to Steve Popper. The Knicks are declining Derrick Rose’s team option.

According to Steve Popper. The Knicks are declining Derrick Rose’s team option.

by actionman922


  1. Kingkunta87


  2. TPTPJonSnow

    Come back on a vet minimum please DRose

  3. FrankNtilikinaOcean

    Someone please get this man a ring

  4. Casamance

    Will always remember his 2021 playoff performance against Atlanta. That one trade with Detroit changed so much. Hope he gets a farewell tour.

  5. starks3_

    If this is the end of the D Rose Knick redemption tour, he helped set the table for this team’s success in multiple ways. Vet minimum, Chicago homecoming, ring chasing, best wishes.

  6. RichOPick

    They should just give him a coaching role

  7. RandomWilly

    Rose showed us what it’d be like to have a competent point guard. Thank you, whatever happens

  8. Not new, known for a while. He’s 3rd option on a second unit. Should have no problem scoring a veterans minimum contract elsewhere

  9. OstrichDelicious587

    Bring him back on vet min 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  10. teknomatic

    If he wants playing time, this is the best move for him. Will always appreciate his time here. And if he doesn’t get a bite from another team, I wouldn’t mind him coming back on a vet minimum

  11. The_MadStork

    Thought we might match to use his salary with Fournier’s in a trade. This takes us out of the running for a LaVine-sized salary unless we give up more pieces. I wonder what (if anything) we’ll do this summer aside from re-signing and extending guys…

  12. T-Bills

    The end of a superteam

    D-Rose showed us what we can do with an actual PG. He’ll always have a special place with Knicks fans.

  13. DragonEevee1

    Thank God his stans are gone, and now we won’t have to deal with his defenders for his shit either

  14. asapfetty

    Anyone knows if we sign someone to the MLE without moving any other players will we have enough room to sign Rose to the vet minimum?

  15. Eddaughter

    Would love for him to return as a Vet but I also do hope he tries to go and get a ring. That 2nd half of the season when he changed the team was incredible. Will miss him 🫡

  16. The_Notorious_Donut


    No say it ain’t so

  17. Original-Common-7010

    Interesting… i thought just as salary filler in a trade the knicks would pick up his option…

  18. lancelinksecretchimp

    I’m glad Rose was able to come back and redeem himself with the fans. I will always appreciate his time here.

  19. Available-Mouse-5532

    Drose is a legend I hope he gets meaningful
    Minutes on a contender that would be a beautiful way to end his story. Randle was saying on PGs podcast that he’s still really good and didn’t elaborate any further cuz he didn’t wanna get in trouble.

  20. spaceninj

    Guess this means we don’t have anything big cooking in the trade market.

  21. jjazznola

    His career should be over. Hard to imagine any team signing him.

  22. smileyfrown

    To summarize the meaning, divencio you getting a bag from us

  23. ObviousAnswerGuy

    I’ll miss you Drose 🙁 go get a championship

  24. Jim-N-Tonic

    DRose was the start of something special going in here now, with his attitude and talent. we saw flashes of all that here. He brought winning back. The team was evolving around him as the FO worked to improve the roster, but he brought the right stuff here. Tibs type work ethic, and team first values, and damn was he good!! on that winning streak we had with good JuJu that year. It showed us results and gave us hope we’d get better. It’s a shame we got bad JuJu the next year, but at least good JuJu came back last year so we’ll see what we get there. But the Tibs gritty team play attitude and ethic he helped instill is a lasting legacy. I’m just sorry we don’t have room for him. He must be amazing in Knick practices.

  25. mutherfucker_jones

    Even if he could play slightly below mediocre, Phoenix could probably use him as a second or third PG who could get some run. He’d barely have to touch the ball on that squad since Booker, Durant and Beal will have the ball most of the time. Plus he can ring chase there (although I don’t fully believe in that squad).

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