@Utah Jazz

Did the Minnesota Timberwolves outdraft the Utah Jazz?

We’re living rent free lmao. This article is so bad it’s funny. Hes not even saying that the Timberwolves did Timberwolves did for their draft position. He says that after this draft (where the Jazz had 3 firsts and the Twolves had 2 seconds) the Twolves widened the margin between the two teams.

by JazzPlusEagles


  1. AGRE7979

    They fucking said that Sensabaugh and George lean on the defensive side, that Hendricks project to be the backup of Kessler. They called Jaylen Clark a surefire lottery before his injury. Like WTF, it’s generational copium at this point.

  2. No_Boysenberry_4907

    That article was 100% AI generated. I do not welcome our robot overlords

  3. somedudeinlosangeles

    Low effort article. Downvoted for posting.

  4. menghis_khan08

    Weird article. Are any of our individual picks statistically likely to be better than or replace gobert, someone we valued as a top 20 player? No. We know how good he is, that’s why we asked for a haul, and the trade will continue to garner picks from them for seasons to come (something the article doesn’t acknowledge). They go on to talk about our records, as if we didn’t sell off the other pieces they gave us (vando, Beasley) for even more picks. It doesn’t bring into account trading Donovan or purposely tanking played into our record.

    Lastly, as Jazz fans – we LOVE gobert, think he’s amazing, and aren’t “haha’ing” them as if we traded them fodder for their picks/players. We gave them a STAR, but they overpaid for him and we’re happy about what we got back, but we expect them to go from good to really good w gobert, and I’d love to see them be great.

    A lot of copium being projected in this article, from a team our fanbase for the most part genuinely want to see do well w Conley and gobert on it

  5. BlackDeisel

    I read this article on Google, had to click next 6 times, then I tried to comment on it, I couldn’t..somebody needs to put the pipe down

  6. Silent-Frame1452

    He clearly hasn’t actually scouted any of the players involved. George and Sensabaugh are not defensive oriented, quite the opposite. Leonard Miller doesn’t have the handle of a PG. Jaylen Clark wasn’t a surefire lotto pick and isn’t close to the best defender in a draft with Wemby in it.

    That the Wolves are still currently better than the Jazz after a year? Sure. But the idea that the gap got bigger with the draft is insane.

  7. Messageinabeerbottle

    I wish we drafted leonard Miller instead of sensabaugh. I can see seansabaugh turning into a Rodney hood. I don’t like drafting players with injury history. Sensabaugh already had 2 knee surgeries. Yikes!

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