@National Basketball Association

Chelsea Gray with a crazy assist last night in the WNBA

Chelsea Gray with a crazy assist last night in the WNBA

by srgntalpowell


  1. srgntalpowell

    The Aces are lowkey the KD Warriors of the WNBA

  2. iamgarron

    No look behind the back to a cutter on the move


  3. tigerpawn

    Nasty. The Aces look like a better version of the 90s Comets.

  4. fattyfondler

    The fuckin balls to make that pass in transition lmao

  5. rhyswithhisspoon

    Going into the season I was split between who would win the inevitable Liberty/Aces finals, but jesus christ this Aces team is just so fucking impressively overpowered I don’t even think the Liberty are gonna put up a fight. They’re just so good.

  6. doordaesh

    dude what that’s insane

    she put it into the lane past like 3 defenders in transition too what the hell man how did she do that

  7. dannyochocinco

    Hahahaahahaha!! Wtf is this shit!?

  8. BeAware2020BLM

    Aces are the KD Warriors of the WNBA. Go ahead and hand them the trophy.

  9. BaltimoreBadger23

    OP is risking the ire of the incels to post WNBA highlights here, that was enough of a reason for me to click expecting it to be a great highlight, and it was.

  10. ForneauCosmique

    Well damn. Lower that rim 6 inches so she can finish the play off with a dunk! Give then a regular size ball and lower the rim just a half foot

  11. gab_owns0

    Threw in a little bit of Magic on that pass

  12. SVS_Writer

    I had to watch twice to even catch the pass. Wow, that was impressive.

  13. Bimmy_Adebutler

    The desperate need to farm upvotes is the weirdest shit in the world to me.

  14. PlacetMihi

    I don’t know the WNBA players so I’ll use jerseys:

    White 3 initially tags Black 22 at the top of the key, but then rotates away to cover an unmarked Black player on the weak side. Her mistake is that she does so too early; none of her teammates can rotate to Black 22 in time (the closest is White 1, who’s behind the fast break and already has a mark crossing halfcourt).

    CG seems to see this rotation coming right before it actually happens. You can see her pick up her dribble right as White 3 *shifts* her body toward the weak side, and by the time White 3 actually *leaves*, the ball is already in the air. Thus Black 22 catches it wide open, and White 1 is made to look stupid chasing well behind.

  15. one_mo-gin

    Thank you for posting this here! I’d welcome more WNBA highlights

  16. YakeyBear

    I’ve watched basically every Jokic pass since 2017. That pass was damn impressive

  17. TippyTripod1040

    If you specifically come to the this post just to dump on the WNBA you’re a fucking loser.

    Sweet pass

  18. DynamixRo

    Wish someone would pass me the ball like that.

  19. nashty2004

    Nephew we posting anything in this sub now?

    Let’s just post highlights from your local high school’s JV team while we’re at it

    This is r/NBA not r/basketball

  20. rayquan36

    Yeah that was sweet. An actual no look pass instead of the cheesy ass pass then look away that LeBron used to do in his first few years.

  21. rr-geil-j

    Now if there’s more of these in the WNBA, more people will probably bother watching it.

  22. jakekerr

    There are starting point guards in the NBA who couldn’t make that pass.

  23. akulkarnii

    Anyone who says the WNBA doesn’t have highlights because there’s almost no dunks needs to watch this video.

    Basketball highlights are more than just dunks.

  24. KazaamFan

    Sometimes these behind the back pass highlights are just showy or actually just pretty easy/simple, but this one was legit. One of the best.

  25. BillsBillsBils

    Becky is a sleeper agent, tying to find a new PG for the Spurs.

  26. ovondansuchi

    I can only imagine her coach saying “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DO- amazing pass!”

  27. slimmymcnutty

    She did that for no reason too. She easily coulda dropped a more normal pass. She made the harder pass just to do it. That’s cool as fuck

  28. Hamster_boat

    That might be one of the greatest basketball passes I’ve ever seen. Men or women.

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